You know where you can park it!

6 Sep 2004
Reaction score
United Kingdom
Have a bash at this little game as it is quite good fun. It might take a little while to download, though. Remember your no-claims-bonus now!
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Addictive or what? If you don't see any posts from me for a few days, you'll know what I'm doing! I used to think I was a good driver but level 4 is still challenging me... will let you know how I get on...
Ninebob. :!: With the fourth test remember that you can park facing the traffic ie the direction that the currently parked cars face. I certainly haven't managed to do this parking the conventional way as the dog provides too substantial an obstruction. Kick off by reversing almost off the screen then right-hand down forward, then steer round Fido, unless of course you want to hear the deathly yelp. :evil:

Hope this does not prove too compulsive. Hear from you in a few months.
Yay - did it! Got too excited though - didn't realise that was the last level!
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Can't try that second one from work, but is it the one that proves men park better than women?

I got onto the highscore table for the first one on Saturday, can't remember the time but I was on the first page of scores. Yay!
I suppose it is, though I haven't actually tried as a woman...yet. :) Mind you, if either you or I were rendered through our biological makeup to loose concentration when less than 300 metres from the display window of a shoe shop then perhaps we woulbn't be so smug? ;)

Got down to about 67 secs on mousebreaker. If you got on to the first then grats to you...that's impressive indeed. :cool:
chainsaw_masochist said:
Mind you, if either you or I were rendered through our biological makeup to loose concentration when less than 300 metres from the display window of a shoe shop then perhaps we woulbn't be so smug? ;)

No, you're wrong there. They aren't losing concentration, they are multi-tasking. :rolleyes: And not partaking in detailed conversation whilst negotiating a busy street in a city centre is not attentive driving, it's being rude... from what I have been told whilst negotiating a busy street in a city centre anyway.

Since moving out of London (where I drove very infrequently as I only had a car when borrowing one off my parents for the day) I have noticed that people outside busy cities seem to have an aversion to parallel parking. They don't expect you to do it for a start! If I had a pound for every time I have seen a space up ahead, indicated, pulled up just front of the space and then engaged reverse only to find someone pulled up right on my tail, or stole the space by pulling on forwards and is then in the process of shifting back and forth 15 times, I would nearly have a fiver by now! :LOL:

I wish these evil b*stards would spare a thought for those who can park a car properly... :cry:
Since moving out of London (where I drove very infrequently as I only had a car when borrowing one off my parents for the day) I have noticed that people outside busy cities seem to have an aversion to parallel parking. They don't expect you to do it for a start! If I had a pound for every time I have seen a space up ahead, indicated, pulled up just front of the space and then engaged reverse only to find someone pulled up right on my tail, or stole the space by pulling on forwards and is then in the process of shifting back and forth 15 times, I would nearly have a fiver by now! :LOL:

I wish these evil b*stards would spare a thought for those who can park a car properly... :cry:[/quote]

One of these vehicles that you were blocking wouldn't have happened to be the Popemobile now, would it? ;)
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