words, words, words!

2 Feb 2006
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United Kingdom
my work colleague calls the van wind screen a window screen and it annoys me slightly.

i told him it screens you from the wind and not from imminent oncoming windows.

petty i know. :rolleyes:

it really annoys me when i hear people say fingy, vis and vat and missing the 't' out of the word patio, for example.

i have to constantly remind my own children, as i guess at school a lot speak that way anyhow.
i appreciate regional accents and dialect allow for some small pronunciation changes, but am i being petty? fighting a losing battle?
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my work colleague calls the van wind screen a window screen and it annoys me slightly.

i told him it screens you from the wind and not from imminent oncoming windows.

petty i know. :rolleyes:

it really annoys me when i hear people say fingy, vis and vat and missing the 't' out of the word patio, for example.

i have to constantly remind my own children, as i guess at school a lot speak that way anyhow.
i appreciate regional accents and dialect allow for some small pronunciation changes, but am i being petty? fighting a losing battle?

missing the T out of patio??? paio?? you must know some cool people
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A window screen, insect screen or bug screen is a metal wire, fiberglass, or other synthetic fiber mesh, stretched in a frame of wood or metal, designed to cover the opening of an open window. Its primary purpose is to keep insects, leaves, debris, birds, and other animals from entering a building or a screened structure such as a porch, while permitting fresh air-flow. Most houses in Australia, the United States and Canada have screens on all operable windows, which are most useful in areas that have large mosquito populations. Screens in North America were traditionally replaced with glass "storm windows" in cold climates to insulate the window during the winter, but frames combining both storm and screen panels have become the most common type of screen currently used in cold climates.

The window screen to deny mosquitos called mosquito screen, where the one for denying flies would be named as fly screen.

** Wikipedia
I am on noseall's side. yes it is annoying.

another is roof the plural is rooves, but people say its roofs.

now some one will dig out the old i am wrong thing, but that is how we were taught at school
One that use to pi55 me off was a manager that would tell me to go and empty the attic.

After putting up with his "attic" for so long, I eventually pi55ed him off by asking for a ladder.
He could not understand the need for a ladder, so I told him there was no access to the loft space without a ladder.
He did not want me to go in to loft space, just empty the "attic" parked on loading bay :LOL: :LOL:

Oh the artic, now I understand . He was not amused :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
With you on this Noseall,

regional dialects I can accept but not the way people just do not bother to annunciate correctly. The English language is something that has been formulated over hundreds, if not thousands, of years and to hear it being abused by not only children but also people in positions of authority such as teachers and politicians annoys me.
Slightly side tracking but what really sets my teeth on edge are men in authority such as politicians and managers who do not wear a tie when holding interviews/press conferences etc!!!
Why do we allow these people to hold these positions when they cannot even dress properly? My respect for them takes an immediate nose-dive when I see them like this.
Wtf has whether someone chooses to wear a tie or not got to do with their ability to do their job??
I say Mr Hod transporter, do furnish me with another fifteen kilograms of the composition of sand and hydraulic cementious powder in a workable moisture enriched state, and place it on my square cut board of laminated veneer strips. And then make a cup of Earl Grey. Thanks awfully.


But , you are correct, people can't speak correctly nowadays - I particularly hate the inner-city speak where chav white people take on the lingo of Jamaican rapper gangsta patious (spelling?)
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