Coalition government....what if

21 Oct 2004
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United Kingdom
Ok so its early days, but just supposing the coalition runs its course and miracle upon miracle does a bloody good job for the country, in fact its the best government weve ever had. How will we vote for it at the next election? :confused:
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If it turned out to be successful would the Liberals dissappear as a political party.Personally I think the tories have missed a trick here the labour party is leaderless they could have gone in examined the books and said right this is what needs to be done and called a snap election.
Nobody votes for cuts - that's why the Tories never got a landslide - they were too honest about the cuts to come whereas labour said it would grow the economy - so no need for cuts. That's why Labour did so well.
yes i know all that, but what if we wanted to re-elect them? surely they must have this situation in other countries?
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Just vote as before and they can form a coalition.
If it turned out to be successful would the Liberals dissappear as a political party.Personally I think the tories have missed a trick here the labour party is leaderless they could have gone in examined the books and said right this is what needs to be done and called a snap election.

The Liberals has been sucked into the Tory party three times in the last 200 years. Each time they have split into two halves, one half gobbled up , the other half a dozen survivors plodded on. The Libdems really are playing with fire.

The other point is that if they manage to make a good job, they have essentially siezed labours middle left clothing (similar to how Blair stole the Tories clothes) and could conceivable keep labour out of power for 20 years. Labours only retreat then would be to fall back to a socialist position.
The other point is that if they manage to make a good job, they have essentially siezed labours middle left clothing (similar to how Blair stole the Tories clothes) and could conceivable keep labour out of power for 20 years. Labours only retreat then would be to fall back to a socialist position.
I suspect that may well depend on who the next leader of Labour is,I see that Kinnock is backing Ed Milliband, poisoned chalice I wonder.Thermo you posed the question what are your thoughts.
Nobody votes for cuts - that's why the Tories never got a landslide - they were too honest about the cuts to come whereas labour said it would grow the economy - so no need for cuts. That's why Labour did so well.

So Labour actually said there would be no cuts?? Sorry I can't remember them saying that at all. There was mention somewhere that money would have to be saved via spending cuts, but they wouldn't commit themselves to say where the cuts would be.
Quite honestly, the state of the economy is such that had Labour been re-elected then these cuts would have had to happen. Labour have lied in the past about lots of things ( I remember them saying we would have a referendum on Europe-- We didn't). They used to be the working man's party, but no more. Most MP's (and not just Labour ones) seem to be in politics for whatever they can get out of it nowadays. Instead of being in politics to see what they can actually contribute to the efficient running of a country.
Nobody votes for cuts - that's why the Tories never got a landslide - they were too honest about the cuts to come whereas labour said it would grow the economy - so no need for cuts. That's why Labour did so well.

So Labour actually said there would be no cuts?? Sorry I can't remember them saying that at all. There was mention somewhere that money would have to be saved via spending cuts, but they wouldn't commit themselves to say where the cuts would be.
Quite honestly, the state of the economy is such that had Labour been re-elected then these cuts would have had to happen. Labour have lied in the past about lots of things ( I remember them saying we would have a referendum on Europe-- We didn't). They used to be the working man's party, but no more. Most MP's (and not just Labour ones) seem to be in politics for whatever they can get out of it nowadays. Instead of being in politics to see what they can actually contribute to the efficient running of a country.


MP's started going to the dogs in the late 1970's, although the last true conviction politician was Thatcher - she wasnt in politics to line her own pocket, she was in it to implement her vision of how the place should be run. Thatcher woudl have been horrified by the likes of the corrupt slimy toad Mandelson or the liars Ball and Campbell. At least in the Thatcher government people RESIGNED with good grace if caught out (eg David Mellors), unlike Mandelson, who has had to be dragged kicking and screaming from office TWICE, and plotted and schemed in the most dreadful undemocratic way at the last election to swing some sort of despicable back room deal to stay in power instead of accepting he and his party had been thrown out.
The other point is that if they manage to make a good job, they have essentially siezed labours middle left clothing (similar to how Blair stole the Tories clothes) and could conceivable keep labour out of power for 20 years. Labours only retreat then would be to fall back to a socialist position.
I suspect that may well depend on who the next leader of Labour is,I see that Kinnock is backing Ed Milliband, poisoned chalice I wonder.Thermo you posed the question what are your thoughts.

my personal thoughts are labour are a pile of charlatans and some of the revelations that have come out since only back my thoughts up, but that wasnt the question i posed, it was a simple how does it work question, with no opinion!
The other point is that if they manage to make a good job, they have essentially siezed labours middle left clothing (similar to how Blair stole the Tories clothes) and could conceivable keep labour out of power for 20 years. Labours only retreat then would be to fall back to a socialist position.
I suspect that may well depend on who the next leader of Labour is,I see that Kinnock is backing Ed Milliband, poisoned chalice I wonder.Thermo you posed the question what are your thoughts.

my personal thoughts are labour are a pile of charlatans and some of the revelations that have come out since only back my thoughts up, but that wasnt the question i posed, it was a simple how does it work question, with no opinion!

Watch labour, stuff is going to happen. The Unions (specifically UNITE and GMB who supply 65% of labours funding between them) plan to hijack the party conference, boot out or outvote the blairites and brownites and return the party to good old 70's socialism.

come the glorious revolution, comrade.
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