Bonkers Watch

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Gluttony and obesity?????????????............

No no no.........It's a thyroid problem......... :LOL:
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On the plus side.............
She is definitely someone you would want on the plane if you were to crash in the andes........ :idea:
It's a pity she hasn't got a penchant for crude oil, 'cos I know where there's a load going spare :)
Who in a sane mind would want to weigh seventy one stone, who in their right mind could find anyone that weight attractive?

Beats me :confused:
Who in a sane mind would want to weigh seventy one stone, who in their right mind could find anyone that weight attractive?

Beats me :confused:

it certainly doesn't float my boat, but 'chubby chasers' and 'feeders' do exist. Old drinking buddy of mine loves big girls. He had a long term g/f, pretty lass but not afraid of a pie or two, plenty to grab hold of. That relationship finished, the next girl was even more of a pie fan. Must say, still pretty, but probably a size 18-20 (with rather awesome boobies aswell)

I just put it down to him being an ex-rugby player and liking someone worthy of a good bedtime wrestle. :p

different strokes i suppose :)
"Miss Simpson has found a man who says he appreciates her size, and they plan to marry in Hawaii this year."

If they can find a plane or boat big enough to get her there.
wotan said:
-- who in their right mind could find anyone that weight attractive?

There are a few who do. Take one such man for whom no woman is too fat, add a woman who just loves to eat and you have a recipe for disaster. Donna is still able to stand up but maybe not for much longer.

On one of those Embarrassing Bodies type programs a year or two back, we were treated to the sight of a woman who couldn't get off the bed. When the day arrived that she needed hospital treatment, I think they had to make a hole in the wall and use a crane to get her out. :eek: :eek: :eek:
wotan said:
-- who in their right mind could find anyone that weight attractive?

There are a few who do. Take one such man for whom no woman is too fat, add a woman who just loves to eat and you have a recipe for disaster. Donna is still able to stand up but maybe not for much longer.


One similar sad tale was that of Lolo Ferrari. Take a girl obsessed with her boob size and lips, and add a film director with money also obsessed with lips and boobs, and you get 84" boobs which killed the unfortunate girl in the end ( she died of mechanically induced suffocation - her boobs eventually crushed her while she was asleep.):

What can you say! Now I like breasts (third in line after eyes and hair) but I certainly wouldn't want to be on the receiving end of that lot. :eek: :eek: :eek:
Stupid c*w, I feel sorry for her kids, how embarrassing for them. She's obviously trying to emulate Homer.
I see her man says he's one of her biggest supporters - so that'll be him and the 3 acrows then :eek:
When one thinks about global food shortages, it makes you wonder why we allow the mentally ill to carry on with their sociopathic behaviour patterns unchecked.
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