I don't understand

Joe90 reckons its goat herders from the bronze age. Google will be his friend on this one.

Joe 90 is just about right. The Bible is a collection of fables, stories handed down and distorted for someones gain. The New Testament written around 70 years after the supposed events, with more distortions. Then the translation By someone reporting to King James I. A book full of contradictions. How could anyone take such a collection of ancient writing seriously?
You really need to read the God Delusion. A far more impressive book based on EVIDENCE, not ancient hearsay.

As a complete non believer, I read the God delusion, I thought it was appalling badly argued and written. i really thought, utter shame on you as a scientist, very very poor read.
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God has no age, he is eternal,he is outside of time.
time was made for mans benefit.

God has always been God. he is the beginning and the end.

theres loads of stuff in the bible that tells us things,before scientists found out
or technology discovered it.

There you go i'm a believer!

For those of you who have been in a truly desperate situation and have uttered the words "o lord please don't let him/her die" or "oh god please help me" etc etc, then you will all know that God or whatever is a comfort from within us all and nowt to do with anyone else.

God is what we want and not summat enforced upon us.
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Heathens have the majority on here so it won't be long.
Light changes as it travels, it moves from our visible spectrum. That is why the telescopes that look the furthest into space, therefore further back into time, are radio telescopes and not the traditional mirror based telescopes.

Check out redshift on Wikipedia.

B0ll0x...check out the hubble ultra deep field.

The telescopes that look FURTHEST are the radio telescopes. Without visual light the traditional telescopes doesn't work.

Wtf are you talking about?
You seem confused about what is meant by redshift.
Heathens have the majority on here so it won't be long

Same everywhere. Bible bashing loonies are in serious decline. Not before time either.

Islam is on the rise. Deal with that.
Just out of interest what do heathens bash?
OOh yes. Silly me. People with a belief in God.

You're in a minority in the real world and always will be. And thank God for that.
Space,time or anything only exists in your conscious mind,when your dead nothing exists.Life really is mind blowing :eek:

Well not really, space/time etc also exists in mathematics and it's fair to say it existed before you were born as there is history. Hard enough to understand the physics without people lobbing philosophy in there :)
Well not really,mathematics only exist if you yourself exist as does history etc.
It seems to me that you're the one on here who's trying to do the bashing at the moment. Albeit not very successfully.
Islam eh, now they're proper loonies, you're only an apprentice compared to them.
Islamic people are fantastic people. As usual a few rotten apples and the whole lot are condemned.
The telescopes that look FURTHEST are the radio telescopes. Without visual light the traditional telescopes doesn't work.

All types of telescopes can see as far as each other.
They are simply collectors for whatever type of electromagnetic wave they are designed to catch. It's the electromagnetic wave which does the travelling, whether from the moon of the other side of the universe.
Optical telescopes see in the visible light part of the spectrum, so obviously won't work without visible light. Neither will your eyes.
Without the radio wave part of the spectrum radio telescopes wouldn't work either, nor would infra red telescopes without the infra red part of the spectrum. So what point were you trying to make?
The catching ability of all telescopes is governed by their size and resolving power, and in the case of earthbound optical scopes by the effect of the earths atmosphere. That's why I suggested you check out the hubble ultra deep field, If you had you would have seen the deepest image of the universe ever captured, on an optical telecope too.
Islamic people are fantastic people.

They may be nice people, but have you seen the stuff they believe in? It's even more childish than the cr*p you've swallowed. :rolleyes:
Islamic people are fantastic people.

They may be nice people, but have you seen the stuff they believe in? It's even more childish than the cr*p you've swallowed. :rolleyes:

Name something childish then that Islamic people believe in. They scare you sh**less don't they.
Well about half a million of them marching through mersyside chanting "death to the infidels" would. :LOL: :LOL:
And the scousers running around going " aaahright, aaright, calm down, calm down" :LOL:
Name something childish then that Islamic people believe in.

They believe that when they go to heaven or whatever they call it, the more devout will have the comfiest seats, with the nicest food and drink.
They also believe that they will be able to see the sinners writhing in agony in the pit beseeching them for help, but they have to decline helping them for they are sinners.
Is that childish enough for you? :rolleyes:
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