The Maddy Circus rolls on.

28 Oct 2005
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United Kingdom
What a waste of time and money. Politicians daren't say no in case votes are lost. Ex cops are paid to support the search.

The searchlight is taken off the McCanns. :rolleyes:
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This is the worst side of you Joe..
Yes, if the girl is dead, then no point searching ....but then hang on... worth finding the guilty party? even if it is her parents? I think so... and then the other scenario... that maybe she's alive.. well too fookin right money should be spent finding her.... worried about the money? then reduce prison meals from 3 to 2 a day !!!

(oh and by the way, not one of the 4200 gods killed me for blaspemy - that's a human job !!)
and I'm so disappointed many more people haven't jumped on you for this...

you have a daughter joe.... what would you do if she was kidnapped?

as for money, is it a couple of million? well put my taxes up... or cut the 10 billion pound foreign aid budget !!
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I wouldn't leave my dog in a foreign land in a strange apartment with the patio door open while I went out and got legless. Absolute disgrace. Jail them.
She went off with someone that she knew period!!!. But the question has to be is she still alive I believe it to be 50/50 .
She most likely wandered out the open patio door looking for her parents who were miles away getting all 'cosy' with their mates.

She may have fallen down a storm drain but Maddies Mum seems to think that 'they took Maddie'. How does she know that? Sounds like a cover story to me. Investigate the Maccas.
People want to solve this because there's a lingering suspicion in their minds that this case is the tip of a very massive iceberg, because we all know that children are being kidnapped and abused to order all over the world. A small number of cases have emerged recently of girls who have been imprisoned for years and people suspect there are very many more. It's not just in the white Anglo-Saxon world, it is even more common in African society where there's evidence of ritual killings and even cannibalism.

The big difference with this case is the irrefutable identification that will be possible with the child's odd right iris. My hope is that if they can solve this case they will open the door on a massive shady world of child-shatching and a lot of other desperate families will get their children back or at least some kind of answer.
I imagine joe's point is that why THIS poor creature, not EVERY poor soul kidnapped or "lost"? I think the answers are clear......

That said, of course I hope she is found alive and well, or at least her parents get some closure. (unless they are complicit, which I suspect)
I imagine joe's point is that why THIS poor creature, not EVERY poor soul kidnapped or "lost"? I think the answers are clear......

That said, of course I hope she is found alive and well, or at least her parents get some closure. (unless they are complicit, which I suspect)

Your last remark could be the reason why Our Police will not drop the case and are prepared to continue spending money on the Investigation.
..and yet they have stated the parents are not "persons of interest".....

Even if they are involved, the PM won't let them be found out, I bet - too linked.
what sort of statement is that from the intelligent police " she MAY be alive " yes and so could Lord Lucan :rolleyes:
im with Joe, stick them in jail
Wow !! so I'm the minority on this then?!! unbelievable.

A young girl has been..lost/kidnapped/killed??? and none of you (apologies for the generalistaion) want to make finding her the priority?!! For her sake maybe?

After all what about those poor girls in the US kidnapped and held captive for 10 years?

And it's purile to twist the facts a la Joe saying for example "the murderous parents left the girl, still in her make up and stockings, with a sign on the door saying "young girl alone inside", before going to the other side of town to get stoned, at a swingers convention".....

None of you know the facts (even though you profess to know it all!), and how many of these cases end up with a twist ?

Find the girl, then deal with the appropriate punishements.... don't give up on her !
You are in a minority of one - get over it. Spend the money prosecuting the McCanns.
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