25 Years of Predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping Point’.

Jørgen Peder Steffensen is Associate Professor at the University of Copenhagen and one of the world’s leading experts on ice cores.
Said :-
...The period around 1875, at the lowest point of the Little Ice Age, marked the coldest point in the last 10,000 years. Other evidence from elsewhere in the Northern Hemisphere confirms this picture.
I agree totally we have had a global temperature increase in the 20thC – but an increase from what? ..Probably an increase from the lowest point in the last 10,000 years.
We started to observe meteorology at the coldest point in the last 10,000 years....

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Ask Joe Thompson - he is the 21st century soothsayer... If you can find him.

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The Little Ice Age was caused by volcanic activity. I bet we'd notice a major eruption today - what with all our scientific instruments and stuff.
No major oil fields have been discovered since the 1960s.

When the cheap stuff is all used up - civilization collapses.
America is getting a lot of oil from Canada.
The Alberta tar sands which is an area the size of England bull dozed over and destroyed and the indigenous people forced out.

That's what happens in run away societies that become desperate.
Imagine all of England looking like the Lakeland district. Just splendid beauty.
And then bull dozed into a waste land.
I shall ask again:
Does anyone live anywhere (near the coast is best) where the sea-level is any different than when they were young?

Well I went down the beach today at 11 o clock and the sea level looked a little low. I went back down there at half five and "bloody hell" it's right high, so it is. If it can do that in just over 6 hours, then somethings wrong. :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Not CHEAP oil - and that's what we need. Show me a major CHEAP oil reserve found since the sixties. (he won't).
The Little Ice Age was caused by volcanic activity. I bet we'd notice a major eruption today - what with all our scientific instruments and stuff.
What's your theory for why there hasn't been any extra warming for more than 18 years Joe? (despite the fact that CO2 has continued to increase off the scale)
  • Thanks
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The hottest ten years since 1880 have all occurred since 1998. That sounds like things are warming up to me. Why do you believe that climate change is a conspiracy theory? Name ANY conspiracy theory that has been proven correct. (he won't).
The hottest ten years since 1880 have all occurred since 1998. That sounds like things are warming up to me. Why do you believe that climate change is a conspiracy theory? Name ANY conspiracy theory that has been proven correct. (he won't).

There have been several conspiracy theories that have been proved right , but I can't tell you as it all has been covered up.
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