CPR first aid just in case you don't know how to perform it.

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Concerns over litigation have led to 'samariton laws' being introduced in US.

In less primitive parts of the world, it's different.

"In Germany, "Unterlassene Hilfeleistung" (failure to provide assistance) is an offense."
"Germany is one of at least 28 countries to have what is popularly known as a “Good Samaritan law” under which it is a crime not to help those in danger.

The law is more correctly termed a “duty to rescue”, to avoid confusion with “Good Samaritan laws” in countries such as the US and Australia which protect those coming to another’s aid from prosecution, but do not oblige bystanders to help.

In Germany failure to come to the
help of some one whose life is in danger is punishable with a fine or up to a year in prison.

A first aid course is compulsory to obtain a German driving licence, so motorists can provide basic medical care at the scene of an accident.

Similar laws exist in a number of European countries, including France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Press photographers at the scene of the crash which killed Diana, Princess of Wales, were investigated under the laws."
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There is a risk, there is no point arguing about it. It is basic tort law. You can't have people doing grossly negligent acts with the blanket protection that they were trying to help. However, a reasonable person has nothing to fear and anyone witnessing a heart attack who hangs about for a more qualified person to act will almost certainly watch the casualty slip away.

The government are/were exploring better protection via the Social Action Responsibility and Heroism (SARAH) Bill, but its not got very far yet.

Note: there are scenarios where you are required to help. A parent has a duty of care and international maritime law places similar duties on a skipper
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Press photographers at the scene of the crash which killed Diana, Princess of Wales, were investigated under the laws."[/QUOTE]

....and were presumably cleared of failing to help. Never mind, they didn’t get away Scott free.

"However, two years ago three photographers were convicted of breaching France's strict privacy laws for taking the pictures of Diana and Dodi. A symbolic fine of one euro was imposed on Langevin, Chassery and Martinez."
Always a good read, and the book is a good stocking filler

Suggest some of you get reading eg https://www.resus.org.uk/EasySiteWeb/GatewayLink.aspx?alId=826

And why anyone links to an American lawsuit is bizarre.

I've not read that guide before, it's good, but probably goes further than necessary. Blurring laws in other countries is a bit confusing IMO. The whole AED scenario is very interesting, from a negligence point of view.
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On every first aid course I attended we were always told that no judge would agree to prosecute a good Samaritan who tries to help someone and saves their life.
I see the above document says "due to the absence of any legal precedent" showing that.

Yes even youtube videos CAN help someone save a life, we have AED's on street corners - whilst locked away to prevent theft these can be used by the untrained because they save lives.
Everyone should go on a first aid course if they can, even out of date knowledge can help save a life and you never know when you are going to need it. (except if you happen upon Woody, as he has clearly indicated that he wants you to leave him to die and not try to save his life. :) )

Also on every course I went on the information changed, the number of breaths and number of compression's.
In less primitive parts of the world, it's different.

"In Germany, "Unterlassene Hilfeleistung" (failure to provide assistance) is an offense."
"Germany is one of at least 28 countries to have what is popularly known as a “Good Samaritan law” under which it is a crime not to help those in danger.

The law is more correctly termed a “duty to rescue”, to avoid confusion with “Good Samaritan laws” in countries such as the US and Australia which protect those coming to another’s aid from prosecution, but do not oblige bystanders to help.

In Germany failure to come to the
help of some one whose life is in danger is punishable with a fine or up to a year in prison.

A first aid course is compulsory to obtain a German driving licence, so motorists can provide basic medical care at the scene of an accident.

Similar laws exist in a number of European countries, including France, Italy, Spain and Portugal.

Press photographers at the scene of the crash which killed Diana, Princess of Wales, were investigated under the laws."

As usual JohnD critices somebody, then later on responds by proving a different point.
Notch has no criticism of leaving someone to die while waiting for a witness to turn up, and considers that a law requiring citizens to help each other in an emergency is "a different point."

Strangely he has no comment on retarded schoolboys who giggle at the sexual attractions of a dead or dying woman
That ignored member who posts on threads I start ......read this John boy you're on my ignore list I don't see your posts nor any subject you start a thread on

Do me the courtesy of ignoring me too.....Please reciprocate the deed and our paths won't cross ....I have no interest in reading your posts and I'm sure mine irritate you too. Do the honourable thing ignore me and our paths won't cross.
No it's not.

But there's a massive difference to being trained and certified and doing something you saw on YouTube once.

I agree but bear this in mind is it better to do nothing or do something if there's no one else to help ........Id rather attempt something than stand there and watch someone die .........like a chap did years ago because he had no idea what to do.

I'm not advocating not to do a first aid course.......but someone might need help tomorrow and it was a doctor that did the demo .....was she wrong to post it.
Obviously No
Notch has no criticism of leaving someone to die while waiting for a witness to turn up, and considers that a law requiring citizens to help each other in an emergency is "a different point."

Where did I say that?.......Oh thats right, I did not, its just another boring example of JohnD desperate need to twist what has been posted.

Only a
retarded schoolboy
would do that :):)
That ignored member who posts on threads I start ......read this John boy you're on my ignore list I don't see your posts nor any subject you start a thread on

Do me the courtesy of ignoring me too.....Please reciprocate the deed and our paths won't cross ....I have no interest in reading your posts and I'm sure mine irritate you too. Do the honourable thing ignore me and our paths won't cross.
What a plonker!
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