Troublemaker criticises idiots.

15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
"Lord Willetts today backed the campaign for a second referendum on the outcome of Brexit talks.

The former Tory Cabinet minister, dubbed “Two Brains” because of his intellect, gave his support for a “People’s Vote”, warning that Britain’s economic success must not be “sacrificed to fulfil ideological obsessions”.

The peer, who now chairs the Resolution Foundation think tank, joined a number of Conservative MPs who are calling for the public to have another say before the UK quits the EU.

They include former attorney general Dominic Grieve, ex-education secretary Justine Greening, Commons health committee chairwoman Sarah Wollaston, former ministers Guto Bebb, Phillip Lee and Anna Soubry, and outspoken backbencher Heidi Allen.

Ex-home secretary Amber Rudd has signalled she could back a second vote over a no-deal Brexit and about 40 colleagues are said to support that position.

Lord Willetts said: “The Conservative Party’s electoral success is based on our long-term ability to deliver economic success and support wealth creation.

“We should not sacrifice that to fulfil the ideological obsessions of a small number of backbenchers in the ERG [European Research Group of Brexiteer Tory MPs].

“Backing a People’s Vote is good Conservative common sense, based on putting the national interest first at all times: the soundest of Tory doctrines.”

The People’s Vote campaign claims Brexit cost the taxpayer £5 billion in the last financial year in interest payments alone due to devaluation of the pound, higher inflation and the downgrading of the UK’s sovereign debt.
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Given that Joe public was promised one thing during the original referendum, then that is what the majority voted in favour of? lets for the time being ignore the completely false, such as all the savings of gazzillions of £££ No mention of the Northern Ireland Border?? No dire warnings on the possibility of NHS Drugs shortages, What happened to the Economic Union, where did that go? what about the major manufacturers such ad motor car makers? where are they going?


If after the negotiations the originally PROMISED and voted for outcome is a quantum leap different? What then? on leaving we could still be paying through the nose for work we were involved with whilst we were full members? No resolution of the N/I border issue? can i get my Prescription drugs? and no easy access to the remaining EU for our manufactured products, no matter what they are?

Why not ask again in a vote now the populous have all the facts and the bare bones of a different outcome, the true face of BREXIT is even now still being revealed drip by drip by drip.

Only once the FULL complete detailed ramifications warts and all are hammered out can the general public make a considered decision on going or staying.

In effect the English government back in the day, were stampeded into doing something by UKIPs rise and rise that the government looked to, to keep its share of the general vote, at that time, there was no plan "B" by the English Government. No one in the government dream up that BREXIT would be triggered.

We are now faced with a scenario so different to the one we all voted on a second referendum is a requirement
Given that Joe public was promised one thing during the original referendum, then that is what the majority voted in favour of? lets for the time being ignore the completely false, such as all the savings of gazzillions of £££ No mention of the Northern Ireland Border?? No dire warnings on the possibility of NHS Drugs shortages, What happened to the Economic Union, where did that go? what about the major manufacturers such ad motor car makers? where are they going?


If after the negotiations the originally PROMISED and voted for outcome is a quantum leap different? What then? on leaving we could still be paying through the nose for work we were involved with whilst we were full members? No resolution of the N/I border issue? can i get my Prescription drugs? and no easy access to the remaining EU for our manufactured products, no matter what they are?

Why not ask again in a vote now the populous have all the facts and the bare bones of a different outcome, the true face of BREXIT is even now still being revealed drip by drip by drip.

Only once the FULL complete detailed ramifications warts and all are hammered out can the general public make a considered decision on going or staying.

In effect the English government back in the day, were stampeded into doing something by UKIPs rise and rise that the government looked to, to keep its share of the general vote, at that time, there was no plan "B" by the English Government. No one in the government dream up that BREXIT would be triggered.

We are now faced with a scenario so different to the one we all voted on a second referendum is a requirement
What an utter load of nonsense
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This Brexit caper which could cause an economic collapse ?

Well on the radio they were talking about the economic collapse in venuzuala which had the consequence of increasing the birth rate due to the lack of availability of contraception .

Same thing could happen here ? Come Brexit ? So may be some may need to stock up on jonnies ?

Dare say we import all our jonnies through the EU

Just saying

I meant to ask
How do you propose to solve the N/I Issue?
Where do we get NHS drugs at a reasonable cost and purity?
How do we sell our Areo engines and wings to the EU [for airbus] without crippling tariffs
Why cant we still be a member of the economic union?
What about the car makers and the tariffs?


I meant to ask
How do you propose to solve the N/I Issue?
Where do we get NHS drugs at a reasonable cost and purity?
How do we sell our Areo engines and wings to the EU [for airbus] without crippling tariffs
Why cant we still be a member of the economic union?
What about the car makers and the tariffs?

I don’t propose to solve any of the above issues,what we going to do when according to remoaners the Ferkin sky falls in!Why are you concerning yourself any way,Cranky will give you independence and stay in the EU.
That's too bad.:D
Roll on no deal.

There will be a deal.

Or article 50 extended.

Or referendum.

No deal is never going to happen, Ive always disliked the EU, but no deal is not a solution
Problem is with this BREXIT thing is that these specific issues are seriously major insurmountable issues that the general public were NOT advised of or even HINTED at during the BREXIT original vote?

So the populous has voted for something that has now changed out of sight?
Problem is with this BREXIT thing is that these specific issues are seriously major insurmountable issues that the general public were NOT advised of or even HINTED at during the BREXIT original vote?

So the populous has voted for something that has now changed out of sight?
Nothing is insurmountable.
Lord Woody today, backed a third fourth and fifth referendum on the outcome of the second referendum if people don't like the result of first referendum.

The former Cabinet maker, dubbed “Two F*cks” because of he doesn't give any, gave his support for a “Poxy Vote”, warning that Britain’s economic success must not be “sacrificed to fulfil ideological obsessions of traitorous commie-loving, jew-hating hypocrite opportunist”.
The thing that none of the Elite are able to forecast is just how "disastrous" things could be if the UK remain in the EU.

I was under the the West defeated Communism.

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