A national scandal

20 Nov 2009
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United Kingdom
As described by Labour MP Barry Sheeman on the radio

As another 20 Men of Asian heritage are jailed for organised sexual abuse of young girls in Huddersfield the youngest victim was 11

It was said that every inner city in the country probably has this problem ?

Again reports to the police years ago were ignored or swept under the carpet due to concerns about the race card being played
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I'm told by someone who knows about this sort of thing . . . . That there's quite a few of these cases queued up in an orderly fashion all over the UK.

Apparently, someone doesn't want them all to hit the meedya at the same time !
Are they really that thick?

Would appear so they have. Been talking about it the radio

Community cohesion is one phrase that has been used several times

Apparently all of the cases so far ?
And more are the tip of the iceberg concerning organised Asian gangs
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Years ago did the police not enjoy a bit of (excuse me if the words offend you) **** bashing? So why would they not go and drag these people out into the street?

Same with Cyril Smith, the Rochdale councillor. Surely, at the time, there must have been 1 copper that would go and kick his door down and drag the fat **** down to the police station?
Years ago did the police not enjoy a bit of (excuse me if the words offend you) **** bashing? So why would they not go and drag these people out into the street?

Same with Cyril Smith, the Rochdale councillor. Surely, at the time, there must have been 1 copper that would go and kick his door down and drag the fat **** down to the police station?

Catch a copper off guard & ask them. What you suggest goes against everything a PC is taught from day one & IF one of them ever does go 'renegade' then it all suddenly becomes not quite the job they thought it was.
that is no way near all the cases so far Transam,the latest case in Bradford police are expecting to arrest 92 asian peodos,according to an article a couple of weeks ago in the Bradford T&A,the 20 in Huddersfield are part of an investigation of over 200 suspected asian peados,they jailed a dozen or so in Halifax about six months ago,roughly the the same number they jailed in Keighley a couple of years ago,Ann Cryer the MP for Keighley about 10 years ago tried to bring this up and was rounded on by the Labour party,when it was brought up shortly afterwards by Nick Griffin he was arrested and held at Halifax police station for trying to bring it to peoples attention,I await noseall to come on and tell me it was worse in the seventies.
Then plod spends millions investigating some nonsense invented by some fruit cake called Nick about Ted Heath , Leon Brittan , Lord Bramal and Harvey Proctor
Catch a copper off guard & ask them. What you suggest goes against everything a PC is taught from day one & IF one of them ever does go 'renegade' then it all suddenly becomes not quite the job they thought it was.

I just imagine Gene Hunt pulling up outside Cyril Smiths, sliding over the bonnet of his Quattro and punching the fat **** in the face.
And yet the LWR try to hush it up. They've obviously never seen Tommy Robinson's Oxford Union speech. Sinister how the authorities and LWR collude to deny what everyone else can see.

Go on, liberals on here. Get an Oxford education. Watch Tommy Robinson's speech video on Youtube. Even people as dishonest or naïve as yourselves may just detect a sinister conspiracy by the authorities.
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I just imagine Gene Hunt pulling up outside Cyril Smiths, sliding over the bonnet of his Quattro and punching the fat **** in the face.

There's one or two in the force who have a highly developed sense of right & wrong & try to act accordingly. But don't ever be fooled that they are nothing more than soldiers who do what they're told.
There's one or two in the force who have a highly developed sense of right & wrong & try to act accordingly. But don't ever be fooled that they are nothing more than soldiers who do what they're told.

That’s a problem with the police, no one fears them so there’s no deterent.
That’s a problem with the police, no one fears them so there’s no deterent.

I prefer to take the view point that nobody 'respects' them anymore. Whether folk are on the right or wrong side of the law, respect for the 'so called' law upholders is fast diminishing.
Same with Cyril Smith, the Rochdale councillor. Surely, at the time, there must have been 1 copper that would go and kick his door down and drag the fat **** down to the police station?
Wasn't that a case where it was subsequently thought that high up officers were in with it - much the same as Savile, he didn't look like someone ignored because of accusations of racism.
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