To all Carl Benjamin Apologists- even UKIP wants rid

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1 Apr 2016
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United Kingdom

“I said ‘I wouldn’t even...’. That’s not a threat, it’s actually just offensive," he told reporters.

“I’m not going to be apologising for my crimes against political correctness. I hate political correctness."

The party's Swindon branch chairman Aubrey Attwater told the BBC he wanted to see Mr Benjamin deselected as an MEP candidate.

"UKIP Swindon wants absolutely nothing to do with Carl Benjamin or his websites," he said.

So all those upset at Jon Snow and defending Carl Benjamin I suppose Jon Snow was being satirical. (y)

Seems like this victimhood mentality is spreading fast - perhaps it's due to all these anti Vacxers not being immunised against BS.
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Threatening not to rape someone is now a career ending offence it seems.
Free speech R.I.P.
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snowflake vinty

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Jewish or Muslim is what people "are"

Whining about your political demands is what you "do".

Remember, this cropped up yesterday.
Threatening not to rape someone is now a career ending offence it seems.
Free speech R.I.P.

Does Carl have a career? How has it been affected? I would expect potential candidates to be able to speak without resorting to vulgar threats.

The final tired excuse of free speech *******, he actually was able to say those words no one stopped him.
Transam gives not a jot about this Benjamin bloke or what he did or did not say :cool:nj
Jewish or Muslim is what people "are"

Whining about your political demands is what you "do".

Remember, this cropped up yesterday.
Wrong and we covered this gammon directly refers to the red pinkish colour of middle age bellowing mens necks which if the cap fits it's fair game don't give ****.. but hey for the rest of you snowflakes...
As Gammon is a perjorative term for Leave supporters would John D. feel comfortable directing that jibe towards a Leave voter who happened to be Jewish or Muslim.
I'm guessing anyone can be guilty of a good rant. Not sure whether you could attribute gammonism to those without the pink skin though.
As Gammon is a perjorative term for Leave supporters
They could always see sense and vote remain. They can become a snowflake then.

Jews and Muslims are Jews and Muslims regardless of their Brexit affiliations.
I'm guessing anyone can be guilty of a good rant. Not sure whether you could attribute gammonism to those without the pink skin though.

Never knew the term etymology and history.

Pork-based insults are of course very old. “Gammon-faced” is an insult from 1604, and no actor likes to be called a ham. In 18th-century thieves’ cant, a “gammon” was an accomplice who distracted the victim’s attention. And “gammon” could also mean nonsensical talk or ideas – it is used by Dickens in The Pickwick Papers, but had existed for decades. In John Liddiard Nicholas’s 1817 travelogue, Narrative of a Voyage to New Zealand, our doughty explorer, visiting Maori chiefs, decides that their customs are “all gammon”: they retort, not unreasonably, that the preaching of his missionary friend is “gammon” too.

Two hundred years ago, Nicholas explains, to say that something was “gammon”, or nonsense, was “the language of vulgar ridicule”. Not much progress is to be expected, perhaps, in the evolution of political abuse.

I suppose they have Gammon Sense? :mrgreen:
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