No shock sherlock!

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Public believes immigration can be controlled without leaving EU in remarkable turnaround

"The public no longer believes it is necessary to leave the EU to control immigration in an extraordinary turnaround since the Brexit referendum, a survey has found,

Voters – including Leave supporters – said they now judge that existing EU rules provide “enough control” on incomers from the continent, without the need for the UK to pull out.

Far from demanding an immigration crackdown, no less than 71 per cent support allowing EU migrants to come to the UK either to work or study – including 62 per cent of Leave voters from 2016."

Now I wonder why that is?

Oh that's right...

Crucially, the researchers at University College London put it down to “missing information” – because so many people were unaware about the existing controls back in 2016.

Just 20 per cent knew about the “three-month rule”, the EU regulation – never enforced by the UK – requiring any EU citizen seeking to stay beyond three months to work, study or have enough money to support themselves."

Of course there are still unicorn believers on this forum that refuse to believe these facts!
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Far from demanding an immigration crackdown, no less than 71 per cent support allowing EU migrants to come to the UK either to work or study – including 62 per cent of Leave voters from 2016."

why is it that brexers on here deny the truth?
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I still maintain it’s easier to stop the ****ers coming in in the first place than it is trying to round them up three months down the line when they’ve failed to go home and gone off the radar. Besides, most EU citizens can fly home for £30 and come back the same day for another crack at the benefits system.

Here we go. Incoming! :mrgreen:
Of course there are still unicorn believers on this forum that refuse to believe these facts

It wont get through to Motman, he is still ranting on about millions of immigrants flooding in getting £1000 a week to live.
Public believes immigration can be controlled without leaving EU in remarkable turnaround

"The public no longer believes it is necessary to leave the EU to control immigration in an extraordinary turnaround since the Brexit referendum, a survey has found,

Voters – including Leave supporters – said they now judge that existing EU rules provide “enough control” on incomers from the continent, without the need for the UK to pull out.

Far from demanding an immigration crackdown, no less than 71 per cent support allowing EU migrants to come to the UK either to work or study – including 62 per cent of Leave voters from 2016."

Now I wonder why that is?

Oh that's right...

Crucially, the researchers at University College London put it down to “missing information” – because so many people were unaware about the existing controls back in 2016.

Just 20 per cent knew about the “three-month rule”, the EU regulation – never enforced by the UK – requiring any EU citizen seeking to stay beyond three months to work, study or have enough money to support themselves."

Of course there are still unicorn believers on this forum that refuse to believe these facts!
Survey size,,,approx 1000!!!!.........lololololol
Maybe brexit isn’t about immigration - maybe it’s about ever closer political and economic union being a bad idea.
I still maintain it’s easier to stop the ****ers coming in in the first place than it is trying to round them up three months down the line when they’ve failed to go home and gone off the radar. Besides, most EU citizens can fly home for £30 and come back the same day for another crack at the benefits system.

Here we go. Incoming! :mrgreen:

Gingers? What have you got against them? Motty hates everyone who's not like him - an old fart.

If they came back the same day boyo it wouldn't be counted as leaving for residence purposes. It's no wonder you hate them, you hate something that doesn't exist.

If we did enforce the 3 month rule and someone decided to leave before 3 months are up and return - we could ask them at arrival if nothing material has changed we can deny them entry. Also after 3 months if someone tries to make a claim then we can easily deny that claim as they did not register their intentions within the allotted time.

Don't blame the rules - blame the Government. The simple reason they chose not to implement them was they would rather save the costs and not focus on the small numbers abusing the system. Using that logic we have seen enough brain dead brexiteers - we should just assume all of them are uncouth knuckle draggers?
Maybe brexit isn’t about immigration - maybe it’s about ever closer political and economic union being a bad idea.
Very true and probably my main concern, however immigration was a key part of the Leave campaign and a common reason for people to vote leave.
Survey size,,,approx 1000!!!!.........lololololol

You keep rubbishing polls because of the survey size, but you are wrong

I guess you dont realise professional pollsters like yougov use scientific methodology and are accurate.
Accuracy is dependent on the question asked and is only accurate for the day of the poll.
Read an interesting article the other day, it wasn't the express or mail, but something vaguely credible sounding (I honestly forget where) but it was along the lines of the damage has been done, been too much for the EU, they want us out the gang. So that would be interesting, not sure if there's any legal statues with the EU framework for booting out a member who hasn't broken the rules..
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