Boris a breath of fresh Air........

7 Jan 2007
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United Kingdom
Just the type of politician that's needed at the moment to sort out parliament.
Someone of his ilk is needed to blast them.

That poisen little bercow has gone let's hope he doesn't get a seat in the Lords.

Betty Boothroyd was superb at getting the house in order.

Major what a bloody hypocrite he did the same thing when the expenses scandal broke !

A general election is coming what a spectacle that's going to be !!!!! Corbin binned I suspect oh and no experiance swansong ditched.

Very very interesting times ahead ........and when the EU implodes wow !!!!! The french people are not happy with the EU ....thats going to be interesting. Oh german engineering needing to cheat oh dear oh dear oh dear ! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:
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Tis a choice of which buffoon to vote for


Or Swinson


As for bercow Well tbh I would not mind giving his missus *** :sneaky:
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I'm with Boris.

He lied staright up - there is no Press here as a small army of press and journalists no more than 20ft away take pictures and videos.
Your a damn liar.

Ok prove it. Boris lied making up quotes and was sacked by the Times, he lied to his Party leader about an affair and got sacked. He is a known liar. Those are facts.

Now prove where I lied t wat.
SG, are you Ban in disguise?
Throwing insults around at the drop of a hat.
Why can no one here have a decent discussion without insults?
Just the type of politician that's needed at the moment to sort out parliament.
Someone of his ilk is needed to blast them.

That poisen little bercow has gone let's hope he doesn't get a seat in the Lords.

Betty Boothroyd was superb at getting the house in order.

Major what a bloody hypocrite he did the same thing when the expenses scandal broke !

A general election is coming what a spectacle that's going to be !!!!! Corbin binned I suspect oh and no experiance swansong ditched.

Very very interesting times ahead ........and when the EU implodes wow !!!!! The french people are not happy with the EU ....thats going to be interesting. Oh german engineering needing to cheat oh dear oh dear oh dear ! :ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO::ROFLMAO:

Agree with points here what I find hard to swallow is how fickle some pro remain people are.
John Major as you pointed out how the fck can he be speaking out after prorouging parliament to protect against that scandal before a GE. Whilst shagging curry :sick: really not a shining example.

Meanwhile you have remainers cheering him on any other day they would be slating him as part of the cause...fck me they'd cheer on Rolf Harris if he had a potential to stop Brexit. If we want to tall about liars This man lied alright big time but thats being ignored by some now :D they're all liars they're premier league bullshitters.
Agree with points here what I find hard to swallow is how fickle some pro remain people are.
John Major as you pointed out how the fck can he be speaking out after prorouging parliament to protect against that scandal before a GE

Fickle......please explain.

John Major prorogued parliament to avoid scrutiny. Which is wrong.
Johnson prorogued parliament. Which is wrong.

Im sure you know the old saying '2 wrongs dont make a right'.

And there is no equivalence.
Stopping parliament from debating expenses scandal is not the same as trying to push through a damaging no deal Brexit.

John Major is doing you a favour, he is trying to stop this country self destructing.

John guy
You should be thanking him.
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