Where do we go from here?

2 Jul 2019
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United Kingdom
Boris should be on his way back by now and if he doesn't resign tomorrow, that's great, but what does he do now.

The various factions in parliament who have been screaming about abuse of democracy refuse to have a general election because it doesn't suit them, democracy is all well and good but only if it is going to deliver the required result.

Brexit negotiators are due back in Brussels tomorrow, but we are now in a hugely weakened position for any form of negotiation so my preferred option would be not to bother.
That's right, send nobody over to Brussels as it's pointless, wait and see what happens.

I'm assuming that as leaving with no deal is supposedly against the law article 50 will need to be extended, if it were me I wouldn't bother but I suspect Gina Miller would be back in court before you can say "girly swot", that Georgy Soros must have deep pockets for her legal bills!

The various remain factions want another referendum (without leave as an option natch) before a general election - no chance.

It's got to be a general election and sooner rather than later, a lot of seats will be lost, there's some angry voters out there but a major cull is needed, if there is an election, Conservatives who pledged to uphold the referendum result, and then didn't, should be deselected prior to the election, after all, nobody likes a liar.:whistle:
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It's got to be a general election
You're a bit like that thicko Trump. It took someone telling him 11 times that the USA could not do a (bi-lateral) trade deal with Germany alone and that he would have to deal with EU.

Anyhoo, Parliament are NOT going to risk a time wasting GE this side of October 31. Geddit?
I think this covers all bases - published this afternoon. Might be different by the time you read this!

"The Supreme Court has ruled that the suspension of Parliament on 9 September was unlawful and void. MPs will now return to Westminster on Wednesday.

"Where does this leave the wider Brexit process and how could it play out over the coming weeks?

"A law designed to stop a no-deal Brexit on 31 October has been passed. If a deal is not agreed between the UK and EU by 19 October, and MPs don't vote in favour of leaving with no deal, then the prime minister will be legally obliged to ask the EU for a Brexit delay."
The EU could say no, but they will probably say "OK, try to get an agreement in parliament and with the people, then we'll talk about you leaving again".
Unless they are so ****ed off with us that they just say "off you go then, don't come to us for emergency funding when your economy tanks and you run out of food".

It's hard enough for EU brain surgeons and city councillors to secure their residency at the moment, so no idea how farmers will get in the 60,000 low skilled Eastern European immigrants* it needs each summer... we could be in for a very hard ride. But never mind, the Tories will look after us ...

"The Office for National Statistics reported in February that 99% of seasonal agricultural workers are from the EU." Source.
At least there will be work for Brits on the farms if their companies goes bust.
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Boris should be on his way back by now and if he doesn't resign tomorrow, that's great, but what does he do now.

The various factions in parliament who have been screaming about abuse of democracy refuse to have a general election because it doesn't suit them, democracy is all well and good but only if it is going to deliver the required result.

Brexit negotiators are due back in Brussels tomorrow, but we are now in a hugely weakened position for any form of negotiation so my preferred option would be not to bother.
That's right, send nobody over to Brussels as it's pointless, wait and see what happens.

I'm assuming that as leaving with no deal is supposedly against the law article 50 will need to be extended, if it were me I wouldn't bother but I suspect Gina Miller would be back in court before you can say "girly swot", that Georgy Soros must have deep pockets for her legal bills!

The various remain factions want another referendum (without leave as an option natch) before a general election - no chance.

It's got to be a general election and sooner rather than later, a lot of seats will be lost, there's some angry voters out there but a major cull is needed, if there is an election, Conservatives who pledged to uphold the referendum result, and then didn't, should be deselected prior to the election, after all, nobody likes a liar.:whistle:

It wlll.all get sorted eventually ;) the politicians will. Drag it out as long as possible :LOL:

Ignore noseall a mongolian goat herder knows more about it than him :LOL:

Probably the goat as well :LOL::LOL::unsure:
that's great, but what does he do now.

Johnson will use the court ruling to add fuel to his 'people vs parliament'general election.

Sadly Johnson doesnt represent the people, he is the elite.
:rolleyes: emergency civil contingencies legislation act 2004??

Royal perogative :rolleyes:

:idea: ;)???
This goat-**** runs on and on UNLESS... Boris stops looking for ever perverse ways to finagle a no deal (purely for ego and the ERG- anyone who believes that thus-far he is 'working hard for me' is a moron, he isn't) JUST so he can say he won. Then a deal can be agreed, where parliament says 'stuff the ERG'; and 'stuff Arlene', and it goes through first time. Then we can negotiate a trade deal. Then Bozza WON'T want a GE, and Jezza WILL again. Get the drift?
This brexit caper will fester on. For years and years the bottle was un corked and the Cork will. Not go back in ;)

Referendums aRe devisive

The best is yet to come this current nonsense is only the tip of the ice berg

All MPs are responsible for what will occur

They are all *ell ends irespective of there party Bufoon corbyn can be thank ful that this court caper has deflected from his party conference shanigans :LOL:
Boris should be on his way back by now and if he doesn't resign tomorrow, that's great, but what does he do now.

The various factions in parliament who have been screaming about abuse of democracy refuse to have a general election because it doesn't suit them, democracy is all well and good but only if it is going to deliver the required result.

Brexit negotiators are due back in Brussels tomorrow, but we are now in a hugely weakened position for any form of negotiation so my preferred option would be not to bother.
That's right, send nobody over to Brussels as it's pointless, wait and see what happens.

I'm assuming that as leaving with no deal is supposedly against the law article 50 will need to be extended, if it were me I wouldn't bother but I suspect Gina Miller would be back in court before you can say "girly swot", that Georgy Soros must have deep pockets for her legal bills!

The various remain factions want another referendum (without leave as an option natch) before a general election - no chance.

It's got to be a general election and sooner rather than later, a lot of seats will be lost, there's some angry voters out there but a major cull is needed, if there is an election, Conservatives who pledged to uphold the referendum result, and then didn't, should be deselected prior to the election, after all, nobody likes a liar.:whistle:
This what the UK has come to, a rich foreigner with plenty of money can overturn the will of 17.4 million people expressed in a democratic referendum.
Johnson will use the court ruling to add fuel to his 'people vs parliament'general election.

Sadly Johnson doesnt represent the people, he is the elite.
And I suppose this bird Gina Miller isn't a member of the elite.
As a rich foreigner with a British passport she is hardly your average Mrs average is she.
Dumb leavers onto their next conspiracy that Soros funded Miller. So he bought off the Judiciary as well? This is exactly why stupid people should not be asked important questions, they give stupid replies.
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