What have you bought today?

27 Feb 2017
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United Kingdom
Today I went with a few mates to the London Motorcycle show at the Excel. I bought two boxes of flapjacks! So, what have you bought today?
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5 pints in Wetherspoons at £1.49 a pint, its never been cheaper to destroy your liver.
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New safety trainers for work and a tankful of fuel for my car.
Expensive trip into town but my wife did buy our lunch. :)
A baked potato with chilli, coffee and a burger, met up with my former apprentice and his family after 23 years, wives now work together, I taught him everything I knew, a morning well spent.
My Dad somehow managed to press his personal alarm at 6.30am and guess who they rang.

He wouldnt answer his mobile so I had to drive over.

Anyway, once Id done, I went to Lidl, had to wait for it to open and I bought a sourdough boule.
, I taught him everything I knew, a morning well spent.

Reminds me of a meeting I was at.
A braggard put his arm around the shoulder of the man next to him and proudly boasted, "I taught this guy everything I know!"
To which another attendee replied, "And then you took the afternoon off".
My Dad somehow managed to press his personal alarm at 6.30am and guess who they rang.

He wouldnt answer his mobile so I had to drive over.

Anyway, once Id done, I went to Lidl, had to wait for it to open and I bought a sourdough boule.
Hope your dad was ok!
And know how that is - father in law sets his alarm off on occasion, as well as pocket dials us with his mobile. Unfortunately he is really rather deaf so when we call back he doesn't answer. So mad dash to drive to his only to be greeted by him with a surprised expression and an offer of a cuppa :) :)
My Dad somehow managed to press his personal alarm at 6.30am and guess who they rang.

He wouldnt answer his mobile so I had to drive over.

Anyway, once Id done, I went to Lidl, had to wait for it to open and I bought a sourdough boule.

Have you tried the Sourdough from Waitrose. Properly baked. Most supermarket sourdough is not the real thing.

Your a good man looking after you dad the way you do.. A lot won't.
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