Blacks, statues, history, sticking heads in sand, whites, etc, etc

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I believe it weighs heavily on the conscience of the citizens of Germany and a reason for Germany to be so keen on being part of the European Union.
It struck me as a bit OTT..and rubbing their nose in it..At which point are they allowed to move on from WW2?
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It struck me as a bit OTT..and rubbing their nose in it..At which point are they allowed to move on from WW2?
Well maybe you ought to ask the quitters...

They seem to think it's ok to keep reminding Germany/Germans of anything they've ever done whilst pursuing their xenophobic/racist agenda...

And even borisconi likened the EU to the nazi's.

Ironically Germany has probably done more than any other nation to keep the issues alive educationally whilst avoiding any glorification of the past wars...

I wonder how many people know that much about britain's 'evil past' during the colonial era?
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Tearing down statues is a sign of change.
Some people don't like change.

If you look back at history, people have been pulling statues down for years, making historic changes.

Some hews from around the world over the last few years
  • Ukraine tears down giant Lenin statue
  • Gandhi statue pulled down in Ghana
  • Cecil Rhodes statue pulled down in Cape Town
  • Confederate statues come down in Memphis
  • civilians tore down a gilded statue of Britain’s King George III in Manhattan in 1776
  • 2001, the Taliban destroyed giant statues of the Buddha
  • Islamic State militants toppled ancient structures in the historic city of Palmyra, Syria
  • Joseph Stalin came down in Budapest as early as 1956
  • Ethiopians dismantle the statue of the Russian Bolshevik revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin in Addis Ababa on May 23, 1991,
"Globally, iconoclasm has been practiced at least since ancient times. Instances were recorded in the Bible. Medieval Christians smashed sculptures of Ancient Rome. Spanish conquerors destroyed temples of the Aztecs and the Incas."

I had an American black work mate. On a hospital job we met in the car park. I asked him why he lived hear and not Miami. His reply was its violent and that this country is far safer. We went for coffee, a young American girl served us. I asked her the same Q... Her reply was near on the same as my mate Marlon. We have come a long way from when I was a kid... Let's not loose what we have achieved...
Tearing down statues is a sign of change.
Some people don't like change.

If you look back at history, people have been pulling statues down for years, making historic changes.

Some hews from around the world over the last few years
  • Ukraine tears down giant Lenin statue
  • Gandhi statue pulled down in Ghana
  • Cecil Rhodes statue pulled down in Cape Town
  • Confederate statues come down in Memphis
  • civilians tore down a gilded statue of Britain’s King George III in Manhattan in 1776
  • 2001, the Taliban destroyed giant statues of the Buddha
  • Islamic State militants toppled ancient structures in the historic city of Palmyra, Syria
  • Joseph Stalin came down in Budapest as early as 1956
  • Ethiopians dismantle the statue of the Russian Bolshevik revolutionary leader Vladimir Lenin in Addis Ababa on May 23, 1991,
"Globally, iconoclasm has been practiced at least since ancient times. Instances were recorded in the Bible. Medieval Christians smashed sculptures of Ancient Rome. Spanish conquerors destroyed temples of the Aztecs and the Incas."
You forgot Saddam Hussain
you quoted Noseall out of context.....Ive just beaten you at your own game and now you are upset.

err I didnt advise anything, did I?

Mm.... that relates to width of strip footings not depth.

I suggest instead of getting angry you might like to read documents more carefully.

Ok, so did it sink because the concrete foundation was not of sufficient section, or because the foundation was sitting on either unstable ground or ground with low bearing capacity?

It is the stability and load bearing capacity of the ground which largely determines the foundation design, not the size of the strip foundation.

Anyway this is off topic, back to statues....

You don arth go on......
What about the statue that came up when I searched for William the Conqueror?

It turned out to be Richard the Lion Heart in Westminster.

Wasn't he a muslim hater, if not technically a racist, and weren't all of his troops slaves?
And it's these people that forget the world and it's attitudes have changed

The Colston statue had a plaque that didnt mention his connection to slavery, previous attempts to get that changed have been refused....
I think it is understandable that for some people to feel attitudes have not changed.

this movement is all about seizing the moment -the protests are creating publicity and debate, whilst I may not agree with taking down statues and removing old comedies, at least it raises awareness and maybe we can get back to dealing with these issues by consensus.
Wasn't he a muslim hater,

Well, that opens up an entire new can of worms.

St George is a patron saint (outdated concept itself), chosen during the crusades to try to improve moral of our Christian soldiers, who killed (and likely raped and pillaged) between 1 and 3 million of Muslims to reclaim the "Holy Land" for the Christian church. Apparently, this is also when the red cross on white was born too (it started as a white cross on red, but we decided to use the French version instead).

Anyway, not exactly a good message today. Any why so many people are still offended by the English flag. I read once that it represented blood pouring down a Christian cross, although not sure if that is true.

So, in short, Great Britain was a muslim hater to the extreme for around 200 years, and carried out 9 major Jihads (aka crusades). We helped kill half as many Muslims as Hitler killed Jews.

Down with St George too, maybe?
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