Face mask information.

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But if everyone wears one...? See post 13

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As they are all Chinese wearers of masks, it would suggest they are extremely effective.
China's control of the virus has outshone every one else.
As they are so practised in wearing masks, you may have thought they could do it properly(y)

Also, more like the "tiger repelling stone" principle(y)
So you buy in enough provisions to last about a month?
No problem, plus garden produce.
We do have two freezers and a large fridge, plus a 'cold room', not a proper one, just a room with thick walls, no windows, etc. In summer it's easily 10°C less than other rooms.
Although I do a boulangerie run three times a week, just the local village.

Incidentally, having to pick all the haricots and peas now, blanche and freeze them, otherwise they'll be too old. Potatoes, beetroot, etc come out of the ground as we want them. Tomatoes not doing well this year.
Recently I have been using buses and trains, although wearing masks is compulsory on them, a fair few people don't wear them. I wear one on public transport to protect me, I use FFP3 with a valve, it protects me, though maybe not people not wearing a mask, but then, they must think themselves immortal, so no problem. There should be separate carriages for people who don't want to wear masks, similarly, and not related, people who decide not to have their children vaccinated should have their kids sent to classes. with other unvaccinated kids .
Wearing a face muzzel is a personal choice.
No one can make you do it.

Whether you want to or not is personal choice. There are those that could make you do it though, I'm sure.
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