And the corruption continues...

23 May 2004
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United Kingdom
Failing Grayling, the worst transport minister in history gets a rather nice little earner...

Chris Grayling to advise ports operator in £100,000 role

"Ex-Transport Secretary Chris Grayling has landed a £100,000 job advising the owner of some of the UK's top ports.*

The Conservative MP is working for Hutchison Ports, which operates Harwich and Felixstowe among other terminals.

According to the MPs' register of financial interests, he will be paid for seven hours work a week for a year."

This is of course the same guy that awarded a contract to a ferry firm with no ferries that the National Audit Office estimated that the costs incurred to the taxpayer could be as high as £56.6m.

Just another example of one of the few cashing in because the 'system' allows it!

*he won't do sod all of course, but he'll just get his mates to bung a few contracts their way given that the emergency legislation doesn't require contract tendering!
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When I said that there are people making money out of others misery during the scamvirus, I was told I was a conspiracy theorist.
Explain this...
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the parallels !:LOL:.
perchance you may have more similarities than you think.
It’s about the going rate for a non exec director role. Unfortunately, there is still demand for people who know people to advise business. Most large companies have non exec director advisors. I held a similar role a day a month. A few years back. It can be quite good value if they get themselves organised. These roles tend not to last long.
It’s a hell of a lot more dodgy the other way around. i.e big business “loaning” their execs for interim government leadership roles. The number of Microsoft, KPMG, Deloitte etc Veeps. Doing “civic duty” assignments is huge and it’s not a Tory thing.

All the noise about the use of Zoom in government during lockdown and security concerns was traced back to “industry advisors”. No doubt with their own conflicts of interest.
Never ceases to. Amaze me as to what some of these pencil pushers are paid

And u never can quite work out as to what they actually do :confused:

They tell u there job title and u are still none the wiser :confused:
Unfortunately, there is still demand for people who know people to advise business.
Corrected for you...

"Unfortunately, there is still demand for people who know people who corruptly award contracts."
When I said that there are people making money out of others misery during the scamvirus, I was told I was a conspiracy theorist.
Explain this...
its not a conspiracy, its true

do you not understand the word conspiracy?
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