Sentencing (criminal justice system)

16 Sep 2006
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United Kingdom
Whilst I understand the argument and rationale behind not locking people up for longer as it doesn't equate to a reduction in crime, where does that leave us in terms of achieving justice for victims of crime? Although there will be numerous cases where the sentence given is adequate, equally there are other cases where this doesn't appear to be the case.

For example, I read something a few weeks back re: guy heavily attacked in a completely unprovoked manner by two guys. He was left with life changing injuries (think about that for a sec, 'life changing') and they received sentences that could see them walking the streets in just a few years.

Woman conned OAP out of £90k, given just over 2 years in prison and ordered to pay back ... wait for it ... £1. The laughable thing was the police saying 'this sentence will demonstrate to people that crimes of this type will not be tolerated.' Eh? She'll probably be out in 18 months.

And why, when the crime evidently merits it, is the legal system so reluctant to give a true life sentence? I will be interested to see how long those recently found guilty of causing the deaths of 39 migrants are sentenced for. Even that tragic case a while back about the little boy being intentionally crushed behind his dad/step-dad's driver seat. I think he got just over 7 years.

What are your views? Do you think broadly the sentences are proportional or that we need a rethink on sentencing?
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Those, without a doubt, were all pathetic sentences that in no way matched the crime and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Trouble is, there’s too many wet liberals that would argue the other way, even on this forum.
The justice system and to a certain extent the police, protect criminals and to hell the victims.
It is a known problem for all victims, especially victims of violent crimes.
Just ask any victim.
In many cases the identity of the criminals is protected and victims cannot even initiate civil proceedings because they don't know who their criminals are.
Unfortunately, until such time common sense becomes a way of living, the criminals will triumph aided by the do-gooders who make it hard for the police, cps, judges and anyone else involved with punishment to pass adequate sentences.
I was in Libya in 2000, under General Gaddafi regime and boy, I was thinking of moving there permanently.
Streets were clean, no beggars, no shoplifters, no pickpockets, no crime.
Ok, traffic was disorganised and there were armed soldiers everywhere, but my friend left her bag on a bench and it had been handed over to the nearest police station.
Not a penny was missing.
Now I'm told that under the "democracy" we imposed on them, Libya is a shythole where foreigners cannot even drive through without being mugged or kidnapped.
Merry Christmas.
I will be interested to see how long those recently found guilty of causing the deaths of 39 migrants are sentenced for.
I think the maximum sentence for manslaughter is life.
They should at least get that with a minimum term of maybe 30 years.
It would be interesting to see what sort of sentence those responsible for the Grenfel Tower disaster will get, that is if anyone ever gets convicted.
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I was in Libya in 2000, under General Gaddafi regime and boy, I was thinking of moving there permanently.
Streets were clean, no beggars, no shoplifters, no pickpockets, no crime
Gaddafi apparently had a deal with the EU to prevent illigal migrants from crossing the Mediterranean to enter Europe.
Since he was removed Libya has become haven for people smugglers.
The Pretext for the Nato attack on Libya was based on lies, David Camoron admitted as much, like Blair he blamed the intelligence services for giving him what he described as "faulty intelligence", the only faulty intelligence i can see is on the part those who would believe that load of ******.
Sentences don't fit the crime

Some of it is a total disgrace Imho

U would get a bigger fine for this Covid caper than is given to some who commit a burglary
Etc or steal yer car or break into yer van and steal your tools

As for some of the vient crime murder etc

Some of em should be executed

Stuff the deterrent it's Retribution that's required
There are several reasons for penalties for crimes:
Discourage criminals.
Revenge by/for victims

Civilised societies supposedly do not apply the third reason: revenge.
Discouragement is accepted to have little effect.
Rehabilitation works least well by prison sentencing.
This is total nonsense.
Read my post about Libya.
Read my post about Mars. But it's nothing to do with the subject matter.

My comment was a general contribution to the discussion. I didn't think your post was worthy of a specific response.
Trouble is, there’s too many wet liberals that would argue the other way, even on this forum

you keep voting for this Tory govt that defunds the police and criminal justice apparently you want understaffed prisons rife with drugs.
The solution is straight forward. Invest and spend more on the police and prisons and not outsource it all. Have a well funded criminal justice system that puts away criminals rather than one where prison are overflowing and sentences have to reflect the realities on the ground.
The solution is straight forward. Invest and spend more on the police and prisons and not outsource it all. Have a well funded criminal justice system that puts away criminals rather than one where prison are overflowing and sentences have to reflect the realities on the ground.
Isn't that kind of putting the cart before the horse.
Shouldn't society first decide what it wants to achieve?
Then decide how?
Yeah. Then the old bill can go looking for the anonymous agitators on social media
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