Should Boris return?

I'm sure that TM's true self will be revealed in the fullness of time. A certain poster's posting style is almost impossible to hide :LOL:
As i have asked before.

Does it matter if he had a previous name? Does it change his comments ?

Why not just adress his comments rather than try and alter the direction of the thread
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johnD is probably a party activist so is well schooled in promoting posting / nonsense / propaganda :giggle: :idea:

and its not even entertaining ??

well may be ? always worth a :ROFLMAO: (I will concede that )

I can't think when I last went to a party.

Might have been before lockdown.

Maybe next Christmas?

Johnson is the Party guy.
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As i have asked before.

Does it matter if he had a previous name? Does it change his comments ?

Why not just adress his comments rather than try and alter the direction of the thread
The reason why they don't do as you suggest is simple, they don't have the intellectual capacity to do so. That's why they resort to ad hominem arguments and conspiracy theories.
I can't think when I last went to a party.

Might have been before lockdown.

Maybe next Christmas?

Johnson is the Party guy.

;) ;)

doubt that any one would want to invite you to their party any way

you would probably complain about how much they paid for their shoes :giggle:
As i have asked before.

Does it matter if he had a previous name? Does it change his comments ?

Why not just adress his comments rather than try and alter the direction of the thread

well yes and no really

in particular when the said person tells porkie pies over the issue ( denial)

and than jumps on the honesty band wagon , lecturing others when in fact he is the biggest porkie pier in here ?

incidentally I have pay tex on ignore so I assumed that is who you are on about ?????????

and its names not name in excess of 6 to my knowledge
As i have asked before.

Does it matter if he had a previous name? Does it change his comments ?

Why not just adress his comments rather than try and alter the direction of the thread

The reason why they don't do as you suggest is simple, they don't have the intellectual capacity to do so. That's why they resort to ad hominem arguments and conspiracy theories.

well yes and no really

in particular when the said person tells porkie pies over the issue ( denial)

and than jumps on the honesty band wagon , lecturing others when in fact he is the biggest porkie pier in here ?

incidentally I have pay tex on ignore so I assumed that is who you are on about ?????????
Like I said, they lack the intellectual capacity to engage in discussion of the topic.
Or it isnt really, but lets blame them anyway.

It is mostly self inflicted with outside issues contributing. The same as it always.
you used the word Mostly ??

why not the word entirely ??

what out side issues ??
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you used the word Mostly ??

why not the word entirely ??
Try substituting the word "mostly" for "entirely" in that sentence and see if it makes any sense.

I'll do it for you: "It is entirely self inflicted with outside issues contributing."

There's loads out there.
Here's the first I found in about 5 seconds:

There's plenty more out there. :rolleyes:

And please don't insult our intelligence by asking for 'official figures'. I've already said the ballot paper did not ask for such democratic data.
The 'official' figures are the numerous analyses.
Surveys and 'analysis' count for feck all. That’s not 'official' figures. Have another try.
In some respects it's leaning on them for support - even nuke warheads for some time. Cheaper option.

I'd always heard America were behind the decision to scrap TSR2 but politics come into it strongly. It came about under a Conservative Govt and by the time it was test flying Labour won an election and Labour were opposed to TSR2, certainly the cost and delivery overruns.
Wilson and Healey on returning from America, cancelled TSR2, and placed an order with Uncle Sam for 50 F-111's.
Ironically, the f-111 went massively over budget, was delayed and because of a weakening £ against the $ (hello), the order was cancelled.

Unusually, the govt didn't just cancel the TSR2 they ordered that all the tools. jigs and part completed aircraft be destroyed, somebody wanted to ensure the project had no chance of being resurrected. I think there are 2 surviving aircraft in museums.

It was in it's day the most advanced aircraft in the world.

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