Hate Crime

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Strangely (?) Roy posted a partial quote that omits the answer. He accidentally (?) Gave a false and misleading impression.

So in a spirit of helpful co-operation, I will do it for him. Quoting from the link he provided.

Can anyone guess what it is?

I will repeat that.

Careful: Roy soon be like:

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Very helpfully, Roy's article goes on to say:

"If a trans woman who doesn’t have a GRC wants to access a female-only space, and is refused access, that’s not discrimination on grounds of gender reassignment, but discrimination on grounds of sex. She’s refused access not because she’s trans, but because she’s both legally and biologically male. That means she can lawfully be refused access any time it’s lawful at all to have a female-only space"
It's very kind of Roy to provide links that demonstrate he is posting things that aren't true, and are clearly nonsense.
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It is a term of abuse used by transactivists to try to diminish women who do not agree that a man is a woman.
Mmm. Whilst this whole thread is a vehicle for Roy to drone on about how she's now legally ok to use a ladies' bog on the high street, I have to disagree with you on this John. TERFs 'Trans Exclusionary Radical Feminists', are as nasty a subset of human-kind as you'd ever want to meet. They are vile, cruel people.
I am under no obligation to enter into a discussion, nor to let an officer into my home to harangue me.

It is not necessary to ME.
Sure, you can do it on the doorstep, if you prefer.
My original comment still stands:
"I would imagine there is some obligation to inform the 'offender' of any recording of a NCHI."

Under the code, if an individual’s personal data is processed as part of a NCHI record they should be promptly notified unless the notification presents a safeguarding risk to the complainant.
Why does it seem the whole world is in turmoil on behalf of a very few number of people ???
If Transtype behavior becomes accepted, the numbers could rise exponentially as all types of perverts could jump on the bandwagon.
Fomenting hatred against a minority is potentially a crime.
How much clearer can I be.
What about Paedophiles? should complaining about them be classified as a hate crime.
IMHO Paedophiles are at the extreme end of the deviancy spectrum but some of these Trannies should be on there as well.
What about Paedophiles? should complaining about them be classified as a hate crime.
IMHO Paedophiles are at the extreme end of the deviancy spectrum but some of these Trannies should be on there as well.

Wow.. you need to speak to your counsellor. A male that goes own the trans path is unlikely to be attracted by small boys. In the meantime, we have documented cases of a former president hitting on 15 year old girls. You are literally defending a perv. ..
Wow.. you need to speak to your counsellor. A male that goes own the trans path is unlikely to be attracted by small boys. In the meantime, we have documented cases of a former president hitting on 15 year old girls. You are literally defending a perv. ..
What about small girls and women in general.
There are documented cases of these Trans people sexually assaulting vulnerable women because they have been allowed access to women only prisons.
A man is not a woman. When a man utters the words "I am a woman" he does not magically become one.
It's not magic.
If a man, or a woman, wants to change their gender, then they can and they are protected from discrimination.
It's legal, it's not magic.
It is a term of abuse used by transactivists to try to diminish women who do not agree that a man is a woman.
I suggets you look up the definition of TERF.
Here, I'll post it for you, save you the bother:
  1. trans-exclusionary radical feminist: an advocate of radical feminism who does not believe that transgender people's gender identities are legitimate, and who is hostile to the inclusion of trans women in the feminist movement.

So someone who persistently argues, campaigns, asserts that transgender is not legitimate can be described as a TERF.
I reckon you, and others such as nwgs might meet that criteria,

If people insist on discussing sex as it is assigned at birth, they may not be TERFs. However when the legal recognition, and the differences between sex and gender has been explained to them, and they keep repeating meaningless slogans, they could well be becoming TERFs.
If the toilet is a single sex area, then trans genders can use the toilet with which they feel conforms to their gender.

"Sex" and "Gender" are not the same thing.

You have constructed a sentence to falsely pretend that they are.
Well perhaps we need to talk about single gender toilets. :rolleyes:
Because you appear to have a problem differentiating between sex and gender.

What I said still stands:
trans genders can use the toilet with which they feel conforms to their gender.
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