Hate Crime

  • Thread starter Deleted member 221031
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Nice try, doesn't work though does it.
It speaks volumes on the kind of individual you are.
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Total and utter nensense. i have posted from eminent medical and scientific websites, studies and journals, and government websites and guidance leaflets.
You have provided merely your opinion and your interpretation of the law. You, and the other transphobes, have not provided a single piece of scientific or medical evidence to support your claims. Niether have you or the other transphobes been able to refute a single presentation of mine with valid counter arguments or evidence.

Yet more illustration of your transphobia. Trans women are women.

I don't argue anything, I present the law in easy to read guides. You choose to misinterpret them, becauuse you don't like what they say.

Total and utter nonsense. Pubs, restaurants, public buildings, trains, workplaces, etc cannot simply deny transgender people access to the toilet facilities that they wish to use, UNLESS they provide suitable alternative facilites. The same applies to changing rooms, etc.
And very few such service providers have the will, the space, the finance or the demand to provide three sets of toilets or changing rooms.
It's far more economical and acceptable to ensure that the exisiting facilities meet the needs.

It is an offence under the Equalities Act. and because motorbiking (who also agrees with criminal damage of cameras) says it's not on a DIY website would not provide a suitable defence.
Moreover, if say, the manager of a service provider gives such an instruction to their staff to deny transgender people acces to their preferred toilet, without sufficient cause or alternatives, both the manager and the employee would be commiting an offence. And the employee would have a justifiable grievance against the management.

Nobody has a criminal record of damaging cameras, ......yet, it doesn't make it legal. :rolleyes:

Intentionally misrepresenting the law, and encouraging others to commit offences does.
What offences am I encouraging to be committed? Is it a summary or indictable offence ? Please quote the statute and be sure to include the part which says “commits an offence”.

Or perhaps you can find an example of where someone was prosecuted in a criminal court?

You’re absolutely full of it.
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What offences am I encouraging to be committed? Is it a summary or indictable offence ? Please quote the statute and be sure to include the part which says “commits an offence”.
Still trying to get some training for free? :rolleyes:

Or perhaps you can find an example of where someone was prosecuted in a criminal court?
No I can't. But it doesn't mean it's not unlawful. :rolleyes:
I can't find any examples of anyone in court for damaging the new cameras, but it doesn't mean it's not a criminal offence. :rolleyes:

You’re absolutely full of it.
You're absolutely full of encouraging people to break the law, on discrimination, on the damaging cameras and on ignoring the 20mph speed limit.

When anyone finds themselves in court for any of the offences you're encouraging them to break, we know you can't take their penalty for them. But will you offer to pay their fine or any compensation? :rolleyes:
You came up with a pathetic excuse to show people the kinda of individual you are. So coming out with pathetic excuses has worked but not as far as your concerned.
Sorry I don't speak gantish, and I have no idea what you are trying to say.
Translation anyone?
You know quite well by not answering the question and basing that on a spurious attempt to slur me as transphobic is pathetic to such a degree it's unbelievable you wouldnt see it as such.
You know quite well by not answering the question and basing that on a spurious attempt to slur me as transphobic is pathetic to such a degree it's unbelievable you wouldnt see it as such.
You must realise that if you phrase a question based on your transphobia, then it's not really a question, it's an excuse for you to express your transphobic bigotry, which you did, loud and clear.
Tell it to the Marines, people can see right through you on here.
I’ve pointed that out numerous times. Roy lost in the first couple of pages and is still throwing toys out of his/her pram
Tell it to the Marines, people can see right through you on here.

I’ve pointed that out numerous times. Roy lost in the first couple of pages and is still throwing toys out of his/her pram
Who made you two judge and jury, umpire, referee, arbitrater, adjudicator of discussions on DIYnot?
Your opinions are probably the least worth on here.
But you are entitled to them, however wierd and wearying.
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