Sunak says a Man is a Man.

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15 Nov 2005
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Cook Islands
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Phoney culture war

biological sex and gender arent not the same for everybody

Sunak is pandering to people too fick to understand
If it's coming from him I have to say that I now feel as though I should doubt it.
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Did anyone dare to heckle him?
I assume all those who might have been prepared to disagree with him were prevented from attending.

But good of him to recognise at least two of the possible genders.

Being trans is not imposing personal values on society, there are simply reordering and correcting a mistake made by society in the first place. Namely, the sex and gender assigned to a child at birth. No person should ever struggle under the burden of projected identities, be it race, religion, sex, culture, or gender identity, and as such the right to simply be yourself is the paramount trans right. All other rights, such as the right to use the bathroom, right to place sport, right to simply exist as yourself, flow from this. Indeed, without the right to be yourself all other rights are moot.

Yet, there are many who argue that no person has the right to force others to agree with a person’s conception of self. They state that trans folk are deluded, mentally ill, and pale imitations of their affirmed gender; the simple counter to this is that society has constructed gender in ways that mean anyone pushing back against those norms gets tarred with those three brushes. Women who reject patriarchy, gay men who are public about their desires, and butch lesbians who express their identities. All are attacked for rejecting “normal”, whatever that might be.
There’s nothing to heckle him for. Move on.
Like the heckler (A prominent Tory, no less) that was bundled out during Suella's speech?

I trust you have the same attitude next time you and ella are sparring? Move on.
Him saying its common sense is going to alienate several in here Notch being an prime example
Of course it's common sense to recognise at least two genders.
But the very saying "a man is a man, and a woman is a woman" suggests that Rishi cannot differentiate between sex and gender.
Like the heckler (A prominent Tory, no less) that was bundled out during Suella's speech?

I trust you have the same attitude next time you and ella are sparring? Move on.
I thought that was you. Or Pat Ex or AngleEyes or some other French residing clarinet playing troll.
But good of him to recognise at least two of the possible genders.

I didn't hear him talking about "gender" which is current parlance is used to mean a feeling, a whim, a desire, a self-professed claim.

He did however talk about "sex" which is a biological reality.

I suppose you are trying to muddy the waters again by pretending you think they are the same.
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