Girl X and Boy Y.

There is a valid argument that putting young children in a school full of criminals teaches them further criminal behaviour, and reinforces their criminal tendencies.
They're surrounded by criminals and are devoid of normal social limting guiding influences, so they develop into more serious habitual criminals.

It's a tight line between revenge, punishment and prevention of re-offending, but exposing them to normal social pressures.
If they're not socialised correctly they'll end up as mal-adjusted adults.
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There is a valid argument that putting young children in a school full of criminals teaches them further criminal behaviour, and reinforces their criminal tendencies.
They're surrounded by criminals and are devoid of normal social limting guiding influences, so they develop into more serious habitual criminals.

It's a tight line between revenge, punishment and prevention of re-offending, but exposing them to normal social pressures.
If they're not socialised correctly they'll end up as mal-adjusted adults.
But they will be in jail for 30 years. Does thst matter for now ?
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Afaik the fruit cakes will be in some young offenders institution until they are 18 ?? Than they go into the adult prison system

It’s going to cost hundreds of thousands to keep these 2 fruit cakes banged up for 20 years plus
Left to me they would be bumped off the day after there 18 th birth day

So they would have some thing to look forward to for 3 years ;) During that 3 years they would be in kept in complete solitary confinement 24 / 7

Any antics they would be tazored
Life always means life, how long they are locked up depends on many things.
Four hours and 40 minutes of deliberations.

They certainly made it easy for the jury.
Just listened to Briannas mum. So so brave. Had me in tears. Every photo I see of Brianna, she looks happy and full of life. Gutted for the parents and Brianna.
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Neither showed emotion, and both are autistic. My understanding of autistic, is that they don't show normal emotion, they struggle to understand emotion and how to react.
Neither showed emotion, and both are autistic. My understanding of autistic, is that they don't show normal emotion, they struggle to understand emotion and how to react.

She them went on to ask that those kids parent are showed empathy as their life's have also now been ruined.

What a brave lovely lady
Neither showed emotion, and both are autistic. My understanding of autistic, is that they don't show normal emotion, they struggle to understand emotion and how to react.
Autistic people may be highly sensitive to emotions...but highly sensitive people may not be autistic.

It's complicated.
Autistic people may be highly sensitive to emotions...but highly sensitive people may not be autistic.

It's complicated.

I've only (to my knowledge) had close contact with one autistic person, a youngster - and what I found odd, was the total lack of the release of basic emotions. Instead, they would suddenly run away, and try to hide.

It's complicated.
It's not called a Spectrum for no reason. It should also be remembered that the Spectrum exists in a continuum, so the degree of Autism varies infinitely between individuals and over time, and the symptoms will vary over time and between individuals.
There's an estimate of 1 in 100 people affected, but I suspect there may be many more with lower degrees of Autism, that remain undiagnosed.
I've only (to my knowledge) had close contact with one autistic person, a youngster - and what I found odd, was the total lack of the release of basic emotions. Instead, they would suddenly run away, and try to hide.
A friend of mine has a son with Downs Syndrome. Very difficult to handle, most days. He has a terrifying sense of humour. We get along like a house on fire.:LOL:
A friend of mine has a son with Downs Syndrome. Very difficult to handle, most days. He has a terrifying sense of humour. We get along like a house on fire.:LOL:

Can you show some of that sense of humour on here once in a while ?
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