Is general election imminent: looks like govt will give tax cut in budget then announce Election soon after

15 Sep 2017
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United Kingdom
Some political commentators are talking about this.

Rumours of a 2p cut in income tax.

It’s a trap for Labour, because whilst the govt obviously can’t afford it and it’s a stupid policy, they could announce it in the budget, start the tax cut on April 6th.

Labour know spending on capital projects has to go up to get economy moving and they are looking at removing tax breaks to help fund it - Cons are considering stealing such policies to stop Labour

If that happens then Labour would be in a position of either having a policy of reversing it, giving the Tories the false claim that “Labour are the party of high taxes and Cons low taxes” or Labour wouldn’t reverse it and having to cut their spending plans to suit.

Bear in mind: Conservatives current tax policies are increasing taxes by around £75b mostly due to freezing of personal

Yet another example of politicians destroying this country to try and hold onto power
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Yet another example of politicians destroying this country to try and hold onto power

It's widely thought the the objective is not to keep the Tories in power (probably hopeless) but to cynically create a problem for whoever has to clean up the mess after they've gone.
You mean the traditional private joke

It’s taken more than 13 years but David Laws has finally apologised to Liam Byrne for weaponising that infamous scrawled note jokily saying “I’m afraid there is no money”. The Lib Dem said sorry to his Labour predecessor at an 11 Downing Street bash for surviving Treasury chief secretaries. It was the first encounter between the pair since May 2010, when Laws broke convention by publicly exploiting the private message an outgoing minister traditionally leaves for an incomer when a government changes after an election. Byrne, still Labour’s MP for Birmingham Hodge Hill, later wrote of how he “burnt with the shame” over the publication of the joke, which had been intended for Philip Hammond, a courteous and friendly Tory who was expected to be appointed chief secretary
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Remind me again what note the last Labour administration left in the Chancellors office for the incoming Tory Government.
Why was there no money?
A = global financial crisis

Why did Conservatives spend billions in 2020
A = global pandemic
Remind me the tax hike that Labour left the coalition in 2010
Global financial crisis ya muppet

you just can’t admit you support a bunch dishonest crooks who play devious games….which you fall for.
No its a fact - your assumption and forecasts are based on guess work. Lets see the content of the note or are you to afraid to share it.
Global financial crisis ya muppet

you just can’t admit you support a bunch dishonest crooks who play devious games….which you fall for.

Global financial crisis my arse.

If the UK hadn’t been exceeding spending by so much before this event, the cuts and tax hikes would have been much less. Over spend was £155 billion if my memory serves me correctly

So you would rather that the current lot hadn’t supported the economy and employment during Covid and nearly all of us when the fuel costs rocketed?

You can’t have it both ways
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