Another example of how cash strapped councils waste money

No, you said “roads should be a priority”

In the absence of mentioning anything else, it means roads take priority over anything else.
Ffs you’re so low brow.

Roads should be a priority….
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No it’s means “A priority”

You can have more than one priority can’t you ? Yes or no will do please.
You said “roads should take priority”

That doesn’t mean “ a priority”
You said “roads should take priority”

That doesn’t mean “ a priority”
Wow! After all the posts of mine you’ve twisted.

All of your lies, you’re after a win this badly.

Have it then. I posted incorrectly and it it came across wrong.


For the record/ After schools and hospitals etc, roads should be prioritised.
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Wow! After all the posts of mine you’ve twisted.

All of your lies, you’re after a win this badly.

Have it then. I posted incorrectly and it it came across wrong.


For the record/ After schools and hospitals etc, roads should be prioritised.
Apology accepted.

Well done

It wasn’t that hard

Have another sherry :)
Really. Mean while back in the real world. Most kids are dropped off in a car.

GD the place logic comes to die……
Not quite, our local school has a coach park, and a local rail station
A Slalom… the collective name for a group or groups of potholes.

I never knew that….
However good your management is, if you have too little money you're stuffed.

A relative now retired was financial controller at a successful council. Very bright bloke, very down to earth. Left school at 16 and did night school to get his accountancy and other qualifications..
They had low council tax rates and very good services. No chance of a backhander there, any hint of it attracted an inquisition, so it didn't happen. As usual everything was contracted out, but they were very hot with lawyers crawling through contracts to make sure performance parameters were maintained, or the contractor didn't get their money. Apart from bins and whatnot, they had the best community mental health services in the country, I remember him explaining. He'd routinely take the p out of the borough I'm in, where the council tax was a lot higher.
You need efficient mechanisms like that.
He has a bit of the "Stewart Rose" about him.

Same sort of practices that should be used to get the country more productive and earning money, with high standards and investments for the long term good.
Maybe a character like John McDonnell could achieve something, but you need the carrot AND the stick, you can't just rant about successful businesses having to pay - for others' inefficiencies.
Personalities aside mcdonnel and corbin seemed to be very parsimonious. Corbin claimed bare minimum expenses and certainly didn't milk the system.
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