Being a Jew illegal.. sometimes

The destruction of Hamas was a stupid aim.

If Hamas aren't destroyed the current situation will simply occur again and again. What's needed is a unity govt covering Gaza and West Bank with input and support from neighbouring Arab countries (and of course Israel), Egypt and Jordan are more than happy to help, but Palestinians need to be protected and they need to be de-radicalised, UNWRA providing education (teaching Palestinian children to hate Israel) isn't helpful, and of course Israel needs to relinquish a large chunk of the West Bank and seriously look at establishing an official border along the 1967 lines. This alone will need a lot of pressure from the US.
None of this will be easy and I'm doubtful it will happen in my lifetime.

The wounds from Oct 7th will take a long time to heal. Israel will likely not agree to anything unless they have control of security which is fair enough. The Palestinian economy may never recover to the pre Oct 7 levels because Israel has brought in tens of thousands of workers from India, Sri Lanka, Thailand and Uzbekistan to replace Palestinians who were allowed to cross into Israel each day to work, they can no longer be allowed to work in Israel for security reasons.

It's worth pointing out at this stage that there are 1.5 million Arabs living in Israel who are Israeli citizens, the vast majority are of Paslestinian descent, they are Doctors, Lawyers, agricultural workers, construction workers, members of Government and many are soldiers in the IDF.
Apartheid? ****** are they.
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It's true most Brits think there should be a ceasefire and we shouldn't be sending weapons. Although Israels choice to troll Iran into attacking and forcing us to defend them has probably changed that last bit.

We send them a few spares, we import more weapons from Israel than they do from us, I believe Germany is the 2nd largest exporter of weapons to Israel.

Iran has been attacking Israel for years using Hezbollah and Hamas.
Post 149 is living in an alternate universe. There are plenty of Jew hating elements in the socialist sphere but not may outside. Most reasonable people see HAMAS / Hezbollah / Iran for what they are with their shared goal of killing all Jews and the destruction of Israel.
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Tue true Filly but some feckw*ts actually believe that level of nonsense. That will be the same that sing about Jeremy of course.
Tue true Filly but some feckw*ts actually believe that level of nonsense. That will be the same that sing about Jeremy of course.

Do you disagree with this bit

This weekend, video has emerged of a police officer telling the head of the Campaign against Antisemitism( CAA) that his presence would not be welcomed by demonstrators because he was visibly Jewish. As is evident to everyone who has attended our demonstrations, this could not be further from the truth. The reality, as we have made clear on numerous occasions, is that every single one of the marches calling for a ceasefire has been attended by a very large number of Jewish people, many marching in an organised and highly visible Jewish bloc. On each occasion, Jewish speakers have been warmly received from the platform.

or this bit

Contrary to his claims, Mr Falter was not taking a stroll in London last Saturday when he came across the march, by chance. He came with a camera crew in the hope of provoking a reaction form the police or from protestors. If his presence was provocative, it was not because he is Jewish – something he has in common with many of the marchers – but rather because he deliberately sought to disrupt the demonstration.

or this bit

Mr Falter is a prominent pro-Israel activist and leading member of the misnamed ‘Campaign Against Antisemitism’ (CAA), an organisation with an appalling track record of anti-Palestinian racism and Islamophobia. From its foundation, CAA has sought to conflate criticism of the state of Israel with antisemitism, something for which it was criticised by the 2015 All-Party Parliamentary Inquiry Into Antisemitism.

As the old saying goes, you're entitled to your own opinion, but not your own facts.
Would this be the same march where an 'openly Jewish man' was threatened with arrest for wanting to cross the road? While pro terrorists were chanting to the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of Jews?Without any sanction? You do realise that Hamas are a prescribed Terrorist organisation don't you and any level of support is a criminal matter. Is that too far a stretch for you to understand?
While Babu said the “openly Jewish” comment was “not acceptable”, he told BBC Breakfast that the longer clip showed Falter “attempting to go against the march, trying to push past the officers, and I think for 13 minutes the officers showed great restraint”.

Babu added: “They offered to take him to a crossing point, they offered to help him and the group he was with the opportunity to cross at a more appropriate place. So the narrative that’s been pushed for the past few days is not accurate.

“Personally, if I was policing that march, I would have been inclined to have arrested [Falter] for assault on a police officer and breach of the peace.”
And then you went off on a silly tangent rather than answer a straight question.
Because I couldn't get you to understand an event on its own does not give you a clear picture.

Obviously I still can't get you to understand that
Would this be the same march where an 'openly Jewish man' was threatened with arrest for wanting to cross the road? While pro terrorists were chanting to the destruction of Israel and the annihilation of Jews?Without any sanction? You do realise that Hamas are a prescribed Terrorist organisation don't you and any level of support is a criminal matter. Is that too far a stretch for you to understand?
That didn't happen. He was given the offer of being escorted across, he wanted to go into the protest with his gang of counter protestors.
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