Brown to turn yellow?

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what a shame, I was so looking forward to David Cameron being prime minister, he's such an honest man :rolleyes:
He 'talked the talk' but dare not 'walk the walk', and his premiership will be forever blighted by it.
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Remember Jim Callaghan? I do. He could have called an election in 1978, the outcome of which we will never know because he chose to hang on. Remember the Winter of Discontent? I do. Strikes right left and centre, bins not emptied, who got the blame? It was the unions' fault - they certainly shot themselves in both feet that year - but poor old Jim got the blame.

A year later he called an election because he had no choice; his time was up. Remember what happened? I do. Just when the future looked rosier than a psilocybe sunset, THATCHER HAPPENED!

Read your history books Gordon. Don't wait until it's too late. I don't think I can take another eighteen years of being sold down the river. There's nothing more the Tories can do that will make my life any better. We already have free radio!
Dozens of advisors will have guided El-Gordo on this and he wouldn't go against their recommendations.

They will have their reasons which we will find out about ... Eventually ;)
Would that be fear of losing their (marginal) seats?.... ;)
Remember Jim Callaghan? I do. He could have called an election in 1978, the outcome of which we will never know because he chose to hang on. Remember the Winter of Discontent? I do. Strikes right left and centre, bins not emptied, who got the blame? It was the unions' fault - they certainly shot themselves in both feet that year - but poor old Jim got the blame.

A year later he called an election because he had no choice; his time was up. Remember what happened? I do. Just when the future looked rosier than a psilocybe sunset, THATCHER HAPPENED!

Read your history books Gordon. Don't wait until it's too late. I don't think I can take another eighteen years of being sold down the river. There's nothing more the Tories can do that will make my life any better. We already have free radio!

cant make things much worse. weve been sold, taxed and sent to war down the river by this lying lot. whens your local hospital going to shut then?
This lot have actually invested quite heavily in the NHS Thermo.
Better this way now Gordon can show what he's capable of achieving rather than that windbag Cameron who's yet to back up any promise he's made and how he'll achieve anything, worthless pile of s*it! just like his party.
Thanks To The Tories, A Ray Of Sunshine

May I take this opportunity to thank the Conservative Party for the very nice weather that we are now experiencing in the north west.
As soon as they left Blackpool after their conference, the sun came out.
Thermo said:
whens your local hospital going to shut then?

Interesting question that. Officially it shut in 2001 and we moved lock stock and barrel to a new one. (Yes, I work for the NHS and I'd like to keep working for a few more years yet.) Unofficially we're still here because the new one is a PFI and they're still building it. :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

weve been sold, taxed and sent to war down the river by this lying lot.

I can't really argue with that. I've lost count of Slimy Tony's stealth taxes. How much does Corgi registration cost? There was a saying back in 1997: "We didn't elect a Labour government, just a better bunch of Tories than the last lot." How true that was. The real Tories never stood a chance. Not only were there far too many people who still remembered Thatcher; Tony had nicked all their policies! But ---

cant make things much worse

Do-on't y--ou belie--ve it!!!
This lot have actually invested quite heavily in the NHS Thermo.

Yes. They doubled the pay for GPs and they don't even work weekends or night times. But you would know all about that wouldn't you? Your partner is a GP.
I'm not getting drawn into this one again we did it to death last time as I recall :LOL:
I'm not getting drawn into this one again we did it to death last time as I recall :LOL:

Oh yes, You agreed that I was right. Did your missus get a doubling of pay over a six year period?
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