Recent content by AARUSS

  1. A

    Replacing lintol with no Acrows - Brick brace

    Yes John this it I have to say it reads well on their website and the principle seems to be sound, I certainly would not attempt an opening this size but I have a single door opening and as I said in OP needles and strongboys are going to be really impractical. They say that the SWL with...
  2. A

    Replacing lintol with no Acrows - Brick brace

    Hi I have a job to replace a lintol and both needling and strongboys are impractical. I have seen something called Brick brace (tried to add a photo here but better with a hammer than PC), if you google you will find it. I was hoping to find somebody that has used this method as reading...
  3. A

    Blotchy mist coat

    Dan Difficult to see but Looks like the plaster may have a very polished finish and the mist coat has not soaked in. Try very a fine rub down to take the polish off without causing deep visible scratches. Also your mist coat needs to be much thinner than 25% (I assume you mean 25% water - 75%...
  4. A

    Alternatives to skimming chimney breast required

    Hi Al Difficult to be sure without seeing it. Are you looking for a perfect finish? If you require a perfect finish then I would suggest taking off the skirtings and hacking off all the existing plaster back to brickwork and employ a good plasterer. Not sure how you adjust the coving, would...
  5. A

    ICATS advice please!

    Hi We have recently had to decline tendering for works because the client specified that contractors should be ICATS registered. I have been to the Correx website so have a basic understanding of what needs to be done but would very much appreciate any advice from people who have gone through...
  6. A

    Concreting over copper pipes

    James Difficult to give 100% advice without knowing specific circumstances but it seems that you could be right and just use some timber supports for the flooring, just be aware of anything touching the pipes directly as you could end up with noises from the pipes rattling when the water is...
  7. A

    All sceed or concrete first?

    Si There are a few considerations. What is the sub base at the moment, 100mm is not much depth for concrete and screed but a bit much for conventional screed. Look at the Mapei website as they do a number of screeds suitable for different situations as the previous poster mentioned, although...
  8. A

    Concreting over copper pipes

    James Not a good idea to have copper pipes in concrete/screed. Chemicals in the cement could corrode the copper, also it will not allow for any movement rom expansion/contraction etc, etc. Ideally you would have them in a duct of some kind, preferably with a removable cover but you could run...
  9. A

    Three rolled coats over lining paper and still patchy. Help!

    Dave Difficult to tell from the photo but it could be something that was on the wall bleeding through the paper and paint. But most likely a combination of poor quality paint and rolling it out too far. As suggested before get a good quality trade paint, I notice you are in London, try and find...
  10. A

    Painting skirting with carpet down

    I've always used a caulking blade, it is a wide, usually about 12" stiff metal filling blade with a handle used generally for taping and jointing. I push the blade in to the junction between the carpet and skirting board angled towards the skirting and then pull it back towards the carpet...
  11. A

    Loose jumper - Why?

    Hi Can somebody explain to me exactly what a loose jumper is in relation to stop cocks not woolly sweaters and why it would be specified. I have been pricing a mechanical specification for one of my clients and it specifies the stop cocks but states that the cold water main stop cocks should...