Recent content by Agripa30

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    Unique Party Wall - Advice Please [Pics]

    Thanks everyone. Having had a second look the fence actually sits before the fence which is good news. When I asked for clarification on Monday they said that the wall was the boundary, not the fence. However on Wednesday the sales office have said that they have proposed amendments to the...
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    Unique Party Wall - Advice Please [Pics]

    I have solicitors but given that they failed to spot or raise this potential liability, I am seeking additional opinions and am contemplating a to appoint a second solicitor if necessary. Under transferee covenants it states: "To keep in good and substantial repair or condition when necessary...
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    Unique Party Wall - Advice Please [Pics]

    Hello I’m in the process of buying a newbuild house and need some advice about the ownership and maintenance of a wall shared between my plot and a block of flats. This is my first ever house so pardon my ignorance. To keep a long story short, the contract of sale which I haven't signed...