Recent content by AlwaysBestToAsk

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    Mastic or Cement on Pre Cast Concrete gaps

    Hi all, I've got one of the old pre case panel type garage that lets in water through the slight gaps between the bottom of the panels and the floor base however this is only on one end and this is because the garden at that end is higher than the join by about a foot so when it rains the water...
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    Can i cut 80mm hole in teracotta drain ?

    Stitch drilling might be an option...i didn't think of that...i've got some ceramic/tile bits, thanks
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    Can i cut 80mm hole in teracotta drain ?

    Hi all, I've got an 80mm french drain to put in my garden and need to connect it into my water drain but the trap drain that i need to connect it to is an older square terracota one. I can obviously dig it all out and replace it with a plastic one but i wondered if anyone had ever managed to...
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    Lower main avenue drain cover

    I'll take off the top layer and see where it is level too, I don't mind it being slightly higher than the top of the slabs as we'll eventually re-slab it all anyway so we can always raise it back up a bit and yeah, I'll clean all the inlets out before i put the new cover (and frame) back on) but...
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    Lower main avenue drain cover

    Ah,cool, 'i'll take that top layer off then. I don't think i can do about anything the state of the internal bits but this will be better. Many Thanks
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    Lower main avenue drain cover

    Hi all, i've got a drain cover (as per the picture below...obviously taken off) that is sat smack bang in the middle of our walkway between the house and the garden. This is the main drain that runs through all the houses on the road and although the picture doesn't show it the cover is a layer...
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    Emulsion or Masonry Paint on OSB3

    Hi all, I've read quite a few posts and recommendations for painting OSB3 but the cost of what is recommended make a Latex/Acrylic based paint a massive cost hike for us but a lot of people/posts around states they have painted using masonry paint but others said not to use a water based paint...
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    Onduline roofing sheets leaking

    I've been out early this morning and noticed that the inside of the roof was covered in frost (as it's -3c here) and gone back a bit later and it's all dripping so i think i went in yesterday after it had thawed and so yes, looks like it was condensation in the form of the frost melting when the...
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    Onduline roofing sheets leaking

    I've not put ply under mine, mine is supported every foot or two with cross member joists but i can't see that causing the issue as it's not appearing to be sagging anywhere
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    Onduline roofing sheets leaking

    One thing with you saying condensation is that my Daughter moved back in with us for a while and she's been sat in there with a blow heater on for a number of weeks but has now gone back home to her own house about 5 days ago and since then the heater has not been used ? Could this be a result...
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    Onduline roofing sheets leaking

    So I've got numerous 2 x 4's across the span of the roof of the Garage and then used the Onduline black capped screws into the wooden beams every 2 or 3 feet. There's plenty of ventilation in and out of the garage. Just to confirm though that these ARE waterproof aren't they ? I can find a lot...
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    Onduline roofing sheets leaking

    Hi all, I put Onduline bitumen roofing sheets on my garage this year (about 8 months ago) and it's constantly leaking. I've overlapped the sheets fine but there are massive patches of wet on the underside of the sheets i.e there's not a few leaks where it's dripping out of a 1cm wide gap or...
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    Shower Pan with Cement Fibre Board

    Hi all, I fitted a shower into my bathroom when I renovated it just over a year ago and due to where the drain pipe from the shower tray is I've had to buy a raised shower tray but have found that it's cracked and looking at the reviews (ironically AFTER the warranty ran out) I see loads of...
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    2 Radiators not getting hot

    Hi all, We've got 7 radiators on our house and I've gone to bleed them today and found 2 of them are not even getting warm. One of these is downstairs and one is upstairs. I've bled them both and i can feel the pipe going to the non-TRV valve (i.e the one with the white cap on it) is hot but...
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    Building Control - Electrics done myself

    Right, so then my next question (and my only real concern as this is where I'm not sure on these things) is that the wall I'm putting these sockets into is a SIP panel wall so it consists of 100mm insulation sandwiched between 2 x 11mm OSB3 boards and then fibre cement boards on the outside (if...