Recent content by ambition

  1. A

    Wife wants a new kitchen but I'm skint!

    yea totally agree with replacement option, aslong as the units are structurally sound (no rot etc). Just start with the most cheapest but impactful cosmetic improvements (doors, handles, sealent etc) as this will make a huge difference, then you can focus on more expensive items such as...
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    Filling a hole that rats are getting through

    I think you need to deal with this problem rather than goin for half-measures even if it means taking off the kitchen units so you have full access. Also, rats are quite crafty, once that hole is blocked they will look for others, this is why you need to take all units off and fill all holes...
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    best tape to use to stick newspaper over windows in heatwave

    why not just whitewash the windows, 10 seconds to put it on, 10 seconds to clean it off - job done
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    Just the beginning (sadly)

    haha that hidden door with blinds is brilliant, dont pull up the carpet as you might find a 90's food blender under there! :)
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    Replacing a laminate floor with a new one

    kbdiy gives some good suggestions, all I would add is the cardboard underlay you were tlaking about from B&Q (green colour if remember correctly) does eventually lose its strength over time, the rubber underlay is much stronger and helps insulation.
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    Kitchen sealant crumbling

    The Dec is right, not enough proximity for the bond to take effect....use beading to plus the gap then seal the beading with a thin will do the job and look better
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    Death House

    yea can totally understand what you mean, nothing worse when you have a conveyor belt of problems that need sorting, doesnt matter how strong minded you are, it does get to you after a while!
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    A builder ripped my mum off!

    total disgrace, funny how the majority of people who get scammed seem to be a lot older. They dont half pick their targets these scammers, hope they get exposed for what they are.
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    How not to build a shed

    hahahaaa was having a bad morning until I seen this, really cheered me up! Looks like it has been knocked up using a swiss army knife and blue-tac!
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    Death House

    haha these are great, the first epsiode with the electricity issues, either a sparks dream or a sparks nightmare! As for the railings, they was just begging for injury!