Recent content by Andyc0081

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    Leaking Shed Roof

    thanks, in terms of the silicon, would you apply to the flashing where it meets the wall AND where it meets the roof?
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    Leaking Shed Roof

    Thanks for this, is there a certain brand you would recommend that would work best on the pebbledash wall? And would you do anything to prime the wall or flashing first?
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    Leaking Shed Roof

    Photos now attached, I had initially thought where the end bit of flashing had come away from the main flashing was the issue but now that’s it’s been heavily raining the water has come through all across, does the bottom of the flashing need sealing or does it need more sealant along the top...
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    Leaking Shed Roof

    So, I have a fibreglass roof in my shed that is fixed to a pebbledash wall (that our shed and our neighbours shed share. And there is a lot of water ingress, but it looks as if it’s coming from the joining. I’ve peaked below the fibreglass flashing and looks as if even underneath that there is...