Recent content by bobboclown

  1. B

    2 pac filler instead of putty?

    Hi guys thanks for getting back to me. Zampa - I totally agree with you re- timber movement, it is a concern. with regard to the synthetic putty do you mean something like DRY SEAL :?: (they sell it in dulux centres but require a remortgage before purchasing, ive never used it and always...
  2. B

    2 pac filler instead of putty?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- question - I have a single glazed timber casement window to re paint, about 40 percent of the original putty has perished and has to be replaced. The only trouble is i am working (as a favour :cry: ) nearly...
  3. B

    2 pac filler instead of putty?

    -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- question - I have a single glazed timber casement window to re paint, about 40 percent of the original putty has perished and has to be replaced. The only trouble is i am working (as a favour :cry: ) nearly 200...