Recent content by brakepipe

  1. B


    thanks to everyone for their replies, the thread went from my original problem ( blocked) to a disscusion on b band boilers. today i did as one poster suggested and took the inlet water valve off, stripped it and there's a plastic filter/strainer inside that was almost blocked with shyte, the...
  2. B


    let me see if i got this right, 1. this is a diy advise forum 2. B+Q is a diy store 3 everybody on here agree's B+Q boilers can't be fitted legally 4 the B+Q shelf filler works for B+Q and is encouraged to tell lies why is the public not aware of this ? and why is the sale of goods act...
  3. B


    the guy at B+Q was doing his job, selling products, if they don't sell stuff they don't need workers, he's not breaking any laws selling goods, you are telling me he's a bandit, i don't think so, can somebody tell me a definative answer, if i buy this boiler at £399, who can fit it safely for...
  4. B


    its purpose is not for the pen pushers, but for 'fasttrack' means of getting work, all the eastern block immigrants get them paid for, this allows them to earn money from day one and not be a burdon on us taxpayers, while the man who earned his right to work on site by experience and guidance by...
  5. B


    thanks for your ling expertgasman, but it appears to me that this is an advert for worcester boilers, it says nothing of law, just mentions part L and how its better etc, i can't beleive a big company like B+Q will be allowed to sell boilers that can't be fitted legally, it appears to me that...
  6. B


    expertgasman what link ? and why are growling ? i'm merely asking a question. are you suggesting that B+Q are selling boilers that can't be fitted?
  7. B


    expertgasman, i don't understand, if the B+Q man is wrong, then B+Q themselves must be wrong, and that can't be, can it ?
  8. B


    thanks jackpike, thats a usefull answer, i'll try that first before thinking about a new boiler, xr4x4. what does your answer mean ? the uk ?
  9. B


    well i did ask here first, :roll:
  10. B


    john 506, how can it not be legal to fit band b boilers when B+Q sell them, i asked the plumber at B+Q and he said its ok to fit them and they're guarranteed for 1 year, though they should be fitted by a gassafe plumber :?
  11. B


    hi guys thanks for your replies, when i turn on a hot tap (any hot tap) its runs for 5 seconds then slows down then trickles then stops, which all points to a blockage, i phoned another plumber he came round and did some tests and after the tests he agreed that the boiler heat exchanger is...
  12. B


    hi everyone, hope somebody can help me, i have a heatline compact combi boiler and i have no water coming out of the hot taps, i phoned a plumber he said the boiler is blocked and wanted £550 to sort it, does this sound right ? i have seen a simular boiler in B+Q for £399. the plumber says he...