Recent content by d0mj4y

  1. D

    Is my UFH incorrectly installed?

    So - looking at this still in a video I’ve found - the hot water should be coming in the top part of the manifold, but the hottest water is definitely coming in at the bottom in my setup… is that a big issue? If not, I presume, when I install the flow meters, I should just move the return pin...
  2. D

    Is my UFH incorrectly installed?

    Hi Madrab, Thanks for the reply. Another pic attached, this time of the pump/valves which are upstairs by the water cylinder - I think everything is working fine in terms of blending etc. If the hot water is entering the system via the bottom connections of the manifold, presume the flow...
  3. D

    Is my UFH incorrectly installed?

    Helps if I finish my second question - is it correct to have the adjustable valves at the bottom? I’ve seen videos with flow rate meters/regulators at the top, which leaves me confused as to why I seem to have flow regulators at the bottom?
  4. D

    Is my UFH incorrectly installed?

    Hi all, First time contributer here… Hope all well and apologies if my questions are stupid…! However: I’m trying to get my head around my UFH installation - I moved into my house about a year ago (the house itself is about 14 years old) and I’ve never quite understood the UFH system/been...