Recent content by Dazleeds

  1. D

    Rayburn Royal going out

    Just to follow up. Turns out it was indeed the fire valve. Thanks for your help. Normal service is resumed :-)
  2. D

    Rayburn Royal going out

    A good suggestion. If it proves a faulty fire valve then I just have the challenge of convincing the boss that the rayburn should then be turned off for maintenance after 3 weeks of false promise...oh well. Thanks for the reply.
  3. D

    Rayburn Royal going out

    There is one located outside just before feed pipe enter house. Are you saying that these can not close fully but just strangle the fuel supply? It must be returning to full open (assume they would normally have to be reset somehow) as the fuel flow is normal once cold - so a faulty temp sensor...
  4. D

    Rayburn Royal going out

    Hi, I have a Raybun Royal that has a bubble conversion. I have serviced it myself for the last 14 years and have had no problems, until now, and I would appreciate some suggestions. The kerosene is fresh. The filter on the tank outlet is clean. The control valve is an OCI. I have stripped it...