Recent content by discoman

  1. D

    FENSA Cert refused by the council. What now?

    Thank you for referring me to the correct regs. I rang the council to appeal quoting Section F Ventilation, 7.3 & 7.4 which clearly states 'trickle vents not required if replaced windows did not have them' The council rang me back 20 minutes later... "Sorry, but those regs applied up to...
  2. D

    FENSA Cert refused by the council. What now?

    The company that fitted were not FENSA registered - hence my problem, but they have said that trickle can be self-fitted. The problem is that I don't believe they should or need to be fitted. For the reasons said before. Plus, we would be the only house in our street to have them, and that...
  3. D

    No Fensa cert for new windows

    It isn't a 'non-issue' when your buyers lenders refuse to release funds on a mortgage due to their being no FENSA cert! Council refused the retrospective cert because of no trickle vents (even though old windows didn't have them), and solicitor can't/won't offer indemnity because it shows on the...
  4. D

    No Fensa cert; is LABC fee worth it?

    Newham Council have charged me £526.18 to come and inspect and then refuse because of no trickle vents - despite the replaced windows not having them before! And now our solicitor can't or won't offer indemnity as it shows on the local search that the council have refused due to...
  5. D

    FENSA Cert refused by the council. What now?

    Our Local Authority charged us £526 to come and issue a retrospective FENSA certificate as we had our windows replaced in January 2012 with no FENSA cert. They refused the certificate because they state that all of the new windows require trickle vents fitting. I don't think this is right...