Recent content by DIYnot

  1. DIYnot


    I'm investigating why this has started appearing like that.
  2. DIYnot

    Invoice for adverts here.

    Sorry about this, I'll look into it and get back to you directly.
  3. DIYnot

    Gas Fitters Only Forum, The Combustion Chamber

    No, there's not been any today. So far...
  4. DIYnot

    Gas Fitters Only Forum, The Combustion Chamber

    There are no applications outstanding, you need to visit here: and submit your details before you can be approved for access.
  5. DIYnot

    Gas Fitters Only Forum, The Combustion Chamber

    Unfortunately, we don't have record of your application, so something has gone wrong somewhere. Please can you follow this link and enter your details and I will sort it promptly, thanks.
  6. DIYnot

    Spam solution - 2 step posting privs for new users.

    Thank you for your suggestions. It's a constant battle, sometimes they have more luck than others.
  7. DIYnot

    Disgusting ADS.

    I've sent you a private message.
  8. DIYnot

    Joseph "joseph @ guttersupply com"

    We've had no other similar reports of this nature. We haven't been 'hacked' as far as we are aware. However, I have searched through the forum and found that in one of your posts from last year, you posted your email address, so this is the most likely source. I will remove it and send you a...
  9. DIYnot

    URL redirection attempts on General Discussion

    Hi Jonathan, unfortunately this sounds like something that is present on your machine that is causing browser redirects rather than from DIYnot directly. It can get installed alongside free downloads etc. Some more info here that may be of assistance to you...
  10. DIYnot

    Site hangs asking for me to allow cookies

    If you're encountering this issue I would appreciate if you could take a moment to complete this brief form: Thanks in advance
  11. DIYnot

    Site hangs asking for me to allow cookies

    We've not been able to replicate thus far, but we're still looking into it.
  12. DIYnot

    Forum playing up? + one other

    We show minimal ads to those who are logged in, so for the best experience please keep logged in. You can't directly PM the moderators, you can PM me if you would like, or you can raise an alert to the moderators using the option on each post.
  13. DIYnot

    I’m getting this every time I change pages or make a post or open a thread

    Indeed, clearly it's not fixed it. I'll update them to keep looking for a solution. Sorry about this.
  14. DIYnot

    I’m getting this every time I change pages or make a post or open a thread

    A fix aimed at sorting this issue has been made so hopefully this will be resolved.
  15. DIYnot

    I’m getting this every time I change pages or make a post or open a thread

    This should only come up once in a while, definitely not every time. Do you have any addons running e.g. cookie blockers / ad blockers?