Recent content by Experimenter

  1. E

    Trimming and Molding tool. Need Help!

    Just so I understand the shoe terminology correctly. Sidewalls means the sides of sole or in this case the sides of the rear sole aka the heel? The way I was thinking of doing it was to measure out from the rear exactly to 1.25" and marker it and cut exactly in from that point. Do you...
  2. E

    Trimming and Molding tool. Need Help!

    Thanks for your responses thus far everyone. I've received a lot of responses worried I might cut into some metal shaft or dislodge a metal plate that could be supporting the shoe. The shoes I'm experimenting on will not kill my bank account. But from what I can tell so far I doubt there is...
  3. E

    Trimming and Molding tool. Need Help!

    Thanks, I took a look at the Titan D15-B10-A Belt & Disc Sander you mentioned. I think this would be good for wearing down the shoe to smooth the edges carefully after I've removed a good chunk of the shoe heel and midsole. Is there a non-power or powered tool that would be efficient and safe...
  4. E

    Trimming and Molding tool. Need Help!

    I'm trying to figure out what the proper tool would fit my purpose. If you have any non-power and powered tool suggestions, please list the tool name and brand if applicable. I have a shoe with a complete sole and heel that looks to be made as one whole solid piece on the bottom. The...