Recent content by Gardengirl

  1. G

    Neighbours gutters overhang into my garden - is this allowed

    The problem with an injunction or taking civil action is I have no money for it. Planning say the council won't help unless the build is oversized. If I can't get help from the council all I can do now is demand the fence is reinstalled correctly and then put trellises up against the...
  2. G

    Neighbours gutters overhang into my garden - is this allowed

    A quick update: All of the workmen there have said they aren't happy with the overhangs and think it's wrong but they're just doing what they're told. I've spoken to the planning dept at the council and asked for advice and they say it's a civil issue and will phone me later with advice...
  3. G

    Neighbours gutters overhang into my garden - is this allowed

    Not entirely sure how to post pics on here..... Have spoken to my neighbs and they are going to speak to their builder but I'm not too hopeful. Have also spoken to other people in the road who have the same extension but stepped it in from the boundary by a couple of bricks. Their reasons...
  4. G

    Neighbours gutters overhang into my garden - is this allowed

    Thanks for your replies, I really appreciate them all. Hmmmmmmm.... this is gonna be so difficult. If I talk to them they won't do anything but if I go legal it'll be a nightmare. :roll: There doesn't seem to be any easy solution, especially as the extension is already up and almost...
  5. G

    Neighbours gutters overhang into my garden - is this allowed

    Hi Woody Thanks for your reply. I'm certain of my boundary line having had a few extensions on my house. I've got the deeds and the original plans of the estate. I don't think the neighs are aware of encroachment etc, they've never done any building work before and they seem to be...
  6. G

    Neighbours gutters overhang into my garden - is this allowed

    It was a joint owned fence attached to the edge of their house. The orangerie is already built and they're starting on the inside plastering next week so I can't see them taking it down! Are there any options I could give them for changing the guttering and sills or any legal speak I can...
  7. G

    Neighbours gutters overhang into my garden - is this allowed

    and now that I think about it their new windowsills also stick out a fair way into my garden..... Is there anything I can say legally to them to change it? Their builder isn't a nice man to me, nice as pie to them. Is there any kind of alternative guttering I could suggest to them...
  8. G

    Neighbours gutters overhang into my garden - is this allowed

    Hi. I'm new! Please can anyone answer my questions? My neighbour has built an orangerie along the boundary wall between our patio's taking the dividing fences down. They have installed side windows that look into my garden and the guttering is overhanging into my space. They say they...