Recent content by garethpa

  1. G

    The best coil spring compressor

    I used the exact same Hilka ones from Screwfix on my corolla rear springs. Very sturdy, and in my opinion no way would they be able to slip off. Just remember, you don't actually need to compress the springs that much - just enough so that you can feel it is loose from the mounts. I've seen some...
  2. G

    Painting a chimney

    you need some roof hooks attached to a short ladder:
  3. G

    fixing gate post to wall

    You have to be careful with some of these "thunderbolt" type fixings. With genuine "Thunderbolt" you use the same size hole as the fixing - i.e M10, you would use a 10mm drill bit. However with most of the copies, which look pretty much identical to Thunderbolts, you have to use a smaller...
  4. G

    Loft ladder bracket mounting snapped

    depending on clearance - what about a short bolt with a domed head (like a coach bolt) together with a nyloc nut. This would be similar to how the other bits are joined together. If you can't find a short enough bolt, you could always cut the excess off once installed with a dremel.
  5. G

    Boiler overheat thermostat keeps tripping

    You say you have turned off most of the radiators as you don't want to heat those rooms. By doing this, the water won't have lost much of its heat by the time it gets back to the boiler, potentially causing your boiler to overheat cut-out. Normally, if this happens, it should really pause, then...
  6. G

    Replacing a power cable to an adapter

    i think most are fused at 5a, which should be more than adequate. Your current one probably has no fuse Be careful of the "cheap" ones on ebay from chinese sellers. I've purchased a couple in the past, and the outer cable insulation was very brittle and cracked where it met the plugs. If...
  7. G

    Worcestor 24cdi boiler won't engage for shower, only sink

    If you have had work done that involved turning off the water supply, check that the stop cock has been turned back on fully. Your stop cock is usually in the kitchen, maybe under the sink? If you know where the main water pipe comes into your property, it is usually located within a foot or...
  8. G

    Access to bottom tiles of a roof above a GF extension

    The diy and potentially dangerous way - depending how tall you are you may be able to reach the upper roof by standing on the lower roof. A couple of scaffold boards or similar laid on the lower roof would be needed to spread your weight. However, finding a way of securing them so they do not...
  9. G

    Ford FoCus over heating

    does the temp suddenly shoot up? and then go down just as quick at random? If so, then it is probably air in the cooling system. The fact that you have had the t/stat changed would back up this theory. It need to be bled properly. Some cars have bleed screws in the cooling system, some...
  10. G

    Decking joist (ledger) fixed to wall is "in the way

    Thunderbolts are ideal for this. Drill straight through the ledger board and into the masonry using suitable drill bits. The thunderbolt requires no plug and will bolt direct into the masonry.
  11. G

    Private road repair

    Why not have a discussion with your council highways department to see if they can help. We had the same here - but the unadopted road was pretty much all dirt/mud and potholed/rutted to hell and back. It was more like a farm track. Our local council were willing to do the work for us using...
  12. G


    don't forget that being vat registered allows you to claim all your vat back that you paid for business related purchases.
  13. G

    Crack and small gap between extension and house

    any chance of a photo from the outside of the crack?
  14. G

    Quotes on felt or fibreglass roof for concrete outhouse

    Sorry, can't offer any help on the value of the quotes, but I personally would need a sit down at those prices. I think the general trend these days is to go for EDPM Rubber for flat roofs. Easier, cheaper and potentially DIY-able for something like a free-standing outhouse.
  15. G

    Railway sleeper benches

    you will probably find that the legs in the photo are sunk into the ground - possibly set in postcrete. The tops could be fixed to the legs using angle brackets from underneath, or for a more professional and invisible finish could be fixed using dowels - look up dowel joints on google.