Recent content by HelpNewToDIY

  1. H

    Can we salvage our tumble dryers?

    Thanks for all the replies. The depth of the water was not very high (about a few inches) and we have got an electrical store to get them checked for us and they will fill in the form to the insurance company saying we need new ones. We just have to wait now for the insurance company to settle...
  2. H

    Can we salvage our tumble dryers?

    Thanks for your replies. My dad wanted to use the pressure washer and I wasn't sure it would clean it right and hadn't thought about damaging the electrical components. How likely is it that sewage water could have got into the components and damaged them beyond repair and is it still ok to...
  3. H

    Can we salvage our tumble dryers?

    We have a small downstairs toilet with the entrance room containing two tumble dryers next door (a spare one incase we have a huge amount of washing to do). Last week we had a blockage in the toilet and the room was completely flooded. After cleaning the floor several times, it still smells...