Recent content by JoeMill

  1. J

    Leak on fill valve

    But what is the point of the black screw on? I'm wondering if there is a problem and me tightening it has just concealed it or is that the purpose of it?
  2. J

    Leak on fill valve

    Water was randomly spurting from the rear of the valve (black plastic screw on) when I tightened this up it stopped. My question is what is the purpose of the black screw on cover and is there still likely to be an issue with the valve itself. Or was the solution really that simple!? Many thanks
  3. J

    Leak on fill valve

  4. J

    Light flickers/lights up very dim

    No electrical works have been carried out, it came out of no where, all lights are led bulbs. Every time the bathroom lights on and lights are switched on in bedroom 1 or bedroom 2 the bathroom light will flash. Occasionally it won't come on when your flick switch and just lights up very dim...