Recent content by Josephstead

  1. J

    Phone problems

    In a new house and I connect my phone. When talking to people they suddenly cant hear me at all or it sounds to them that I am in an echo chamber. So I thought duff phone, so trots down to Argos and buys brand new BT phone. Phone does exactly the same thing. When I lose connection if I move...
  2. J

    new car

    Forget all the advice on repars. The car fails the criterai under Sales of Goods Act as being fit for purpose and you should take it back and ask for full refund or threaten legal action. It sounds like a lemon car and you would best beast shot of it as it is always likely to give problems
  3. J

    Internet access

    I am still on antique dial up because I travel between wto houses and use my laptop. At each house I can plug in to the phone line and dial up. If I switch to broad band at one house I can no longer do this! BT have told me I can have two broad band accounts and therefore x2 the cost. What do...