Recent content by junfan

  1. J


    thanks for the advise,im rock bottom...
  2. J

    plaster blemishes

    thanks for the advise,really apriciate it....
  3. J


    hi guys ive just pva my platered wall ready to paint,and i've just read one off the posts that say do not pva the wall after plastering as this will stop the paint sticking to the wall,im alittle worried now that my paint wont stick to the wall.should i dillute the paint with water still and...
  4. J

    plaster blemishes

    hi i could do with some advise, ive recently plastered an arch way.ive got some blemishes to fill, a plasterer at work said instead of buying filler just mix a little multi finish plaster really sloppy and fill the blemishes with multi finish. wot do you guys think ?
  5. J

    New Trowel

    Hi m8 i dont think that it is stainless steel,do they actualy make stainless steel marshall town trowels.its a pre worn one.
  6. J

    New Trowel

    hi just brought a pre worn 18"martial town trowel. used it today and noticed after that the trowel had got specs of green all over it and on the edges of it. looks like rust but green is this normal for a brand new trowel.
  7. J

    Trowel size

    hi i could do with some advise i want a large plastering trowel and dont know which size to go for 18" or 20".is one size easier to use than the other any advise would be apriciated.
  8. J


    thanks for all the feed back gents dont know what id do without this site...
  9. J


    hi could anyone tell me how to use a internal corner trowel.i know it sounds like a stupid question,do you use it for aplying plaster to the corner or for finishing the plaster i dont know.and can you use it on just one wall.
  10. J

    Internal Corners

    Hi a was wondering if anybody can help me ? i seam to be struggling on internal corners,walls and ceiling i cannot seem to get them perfect i use a brush to smooth them in but still struggle the finnish on the walls is fine just my corners.i end up down to the grain or seem to pull the plaster...
  11. J

    Dodgy walls

    Hi ive stripped some embossed paper of my hall stairs and landing,using a paper stripper.which has worked but some large areas of plaster have come away.what do i need to do before i start to scimm the walls to fill the patches that have been left ?
  12. J

    Plaster Dust

    thanks alot for your advise,its really apreciated
  13. J

    Plaster Dust

    Hi i was wonderring if anybody can tell me how to get plaster and plaster dust of my block paving on the drive, hosing it does,nt seem to shift it.Is there a way of getting it up.
  14. J

    Trowel size.

    hi could anybody tell me the regular trowel size as when i watch videos on utube some guys use long trowels and some short,whitch is the right towel to use, and is it worth buying a long trowel ?
  15. J

    Small Repairs

    hi ive just scimmed a wall not a bad job if i say so myself, although there are a few small areas were there are small blemishes,does gyroc do any sort af fillers for there multi finish plaster. cheers guys