Recent content by kgthomas

  1. K

    Damp soil, do I need drainage?

    Yip was thinkng I might need to start digging a few holes and see what I find. I have quickly checked with a garden fork and so far everywhere I have spiked I can feel the gravel below but so far I have not ventured into the middle of the swamp, sorry I mean lawn!! :lol: Yip definitely...
  2. K

    Damp soil, do I need drainage?

    Hi, thanks for getting back to me I assume you mean break my question into smaller bits of text? I'm always doing that. Cheers if that is what you were meaning here goes. I have recently purchased a new build house on 1/2 acre of land, before I purchased the house I knew the grass was...
  3. K

    Damp soil, do I need drainage?

    Hi recently I have purchased a new build house on 1/2 acre of land, before I purchased the house I knew the grass was damp/wet and I thought it would need drained but I'm not a hundred percent sure hence why I am asking advice here, when I dig into the garden there is not obvious water lying but...