Recent content by Laune

  1. L

    Risco lightsys2: cannot acces riscocloud anymore with CS...

    Hi secureiam thank you so much, It's been quite a long time since your answer but anyway thank you for your answer, you have confirmed my doubts. So I have 2 options to be able to add new captors or to do maintenance: - Paid for a external company to do so... And I must admit it's far from my...
  2. L

    Risco lightsys2: cannot acces riscocloud anymore with CS...

    Hello everyone, I'm pretty new here I have checked a little bit the forum but do not had found an answer regarding my problem. I have installed by myself a Risco lightsys 2 at home, all was working perfectly for's was great !!! I still have access with the mobile app... But my...