Recent content by LEEANNE77

  1. LEEANNE77

    Feed the birds

    maybe lol.
  2. LEEANNE77

    Feed the birds

    Was reading today that RSPB said put out mixture of seeds all the usual ect, but also porridge oats never thought of that one. Guess what birds are getting for their breakfast tommorow lol. :idea: :idea:
  3. LEEANNE77

    Feed the birds

    Ive been doing my bit for the birds also. Bird seeds - fat balls. Got some mealworms out of Pets at Home, and any scraps that are left over & normally nothing left when i put next lot out. Also been putting out fresh water, as i need to do that everyday for my ferrets anyway... :D
  4. LEEANNE77

    Thanks for your help it worked a treat Leeanne.

    Thanks for your help it worked a treat Leeanne.
  5. LEEANNE77

    Greenstar 30sI Help Please

    o.k. Ill do that just now. Will let you know how i get on. lol. Thankyou Leeanne.... :roll: :oops:
  6. LEEANNE77

    Greenstar 30sI Help Please

    What outside?. lol. :oops: :oops: :oops:
  7. LEEANNE77

    Greenstar 30sI Help Please

    No it def white plastic pipe but not at drain Drain few feet away?. Cant see any other pipes. Driving me mad. Had to stay out last couple nights as house too cold. Got heaters plugged in. but no good in this weather. I can put my finger in this pipe & feel ice blockeage. Pipe low down.
  8. LEEANNE77

    Greenstar 30sI Help Please

    Hi there, Im positive my condensing pipe is frozen, as blue light & reset button flashing on boiler. When i go to outside pipe it has been cut flush to the wall therefor i cant pour water over it. Anyone any ideas how i can solve this?. Thanks.
  9. LEEANNE77

    Worcester Greenstar Combi Boiler - need warmth on a cold day

    Im having trouble with mine. My pipe which goes outside is frozen but it has been cut flush with wall. Can feel ice block if i put my finger in - can see ice. Anyone any help with this as plumber i am not. Although always found this forum helpful. House is freezing had too go out & buy two...
  10. LEEANNE77

    Pre DIY salesman foul up

    :lol: :lol: :lol:
  11. LEEANNE77

    OH bleep !

    :lol: :lol: :lol: Usually thats my luck. :D :D
  12. LEEANNE77

    Anyone got 50p?

    :lol: :lol:
  13. LEEANNE77

    Help! not got a clue.

    Will let you know asap. :!: