Recent content by m11zu

  1. M

    how to paint oiled iron window hinges?

    I have a nice farmhouse, that is decorated really old style. i´m renovating windows right now and bought myself some iron hinges and corners but i think they would suit better with my white windows when i colour them white. Just i´m not sure what colour i should use? i´m not sure the colour will...
  2. M

    Big, stubborn Tree Stump

    thats really good idea - got rid of mine last year like that. Nice fire it was too :)
  3. M

    Apple Juice/Cider

    haven´t done cider yet, but my wine from homeyard aplles came out pretty good. Now planning on cidre. Just thinking of right bottles and corks, so they won´t come off , when cidre envolves.